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A/n: This book is a remake of my older story! I recommend reading this instead of the older one💀

Your name is Y/N Walker, the sister of the infamous blue ninja. The discovery of your brother's powers shook your family, I mean not every day do you see your child shooting electricity out of their hands. As he started training as a ninja he changed quite a bit, he never really showed that much attention to you anymore as he was busy with 'ninja things' as he used to say. After a while, you finally got tired of it but in a good way, since he kind of inspired you into training as well, so that you could be as strong as he is, or even stronger!

When Jay told you and your parents that he have to move out and officially join the ninja team, you got extremely frustrated since you couldn't imagine living without your brother, and so you got an idea to come with him. At first, your parents repeatedly said 'no' because "you're too young! And also you have to help us with the junkyard!" They said.  Your brother was also against it but he soon realized how worried he'd be without you. He wanted to keep an eye on you so that if anything happens he can always protect you.

After a long talk with your parents, Jay managed to convince them to let you go with him but you have to wait a year. They said you are still too young and you have to wait at least a year. 'A year?! That is a lot of time!' You thought to yourself but you had to be patient.

Today was the day Jay will move out.

"Jay, you will come back for me, right?"
You said

"Of course, I will! But you have to be patient. It's still a miracle that I even managed to convince them. You know our parents aren't strict at all. They just don't want to risk your life."

He said while a little smile appeared on his face.

"But don't forget to come okay? Even if I don't have any powers I will train so I can help too!"

You said with excitement.

"Just wait for me okay?"


He then left

"I need you!" remastered (Lloyd Garmadon x reader)Where stories live. Discover now