Chapter 2: pinky promise

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You woke up in the middle of the night. You looked at the clock that was hanging right above the doors. It was 3:14 am. Your was throat hurting from dryness and needed some water so you got up and made your way into the kitchen. You tried to be as quiet as possible to not wake up anyone but the old crackly wooden floor didn't help you with it. While you walked through the corridor you saw a light coming from the kitchen, you started walking a bit faster as you were wondering who was up this late. As you got closer you slowed down. You saw Lloyd with a glass of water in his hand. He seemed pretty sad. To not scare him like the last time you knocked on the door frame which quickly caught his attention.

"Y/n, why are you up this late?"
Lloyd asked a bit confused.

"I could ask you the same thing"
You answered. He smiled slightly as he took a sip of his water.

"I just needed to take a walk and clear my throat."
He said.

"Is something bothering you? You look sad... I mean you dont have to tell me if you dont want to, I understand. We know each other only for some hours.."
You said. You wanted to help him but at the same time, you didn't want to be annoying.

"Oh no, it's alright really, I just sometimes get in my feels"
He forced out a giggle and looked down putting his glass in the sink.

"It's understandable. I don't want to compare our problems but sometimes it's hard for me too"
You replied and pulled a glass of water for yourself.

He gave you a look that said ''tell me more''.

"You know, when Jay discovered his powers, my parents would much rather take interest in him than me. I was always mad at them when I was younger but at this point, I think I get it.
You explained.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be complaining"
You added.

"It's fine! And I understand how it is when you dont get enough attention from your family. Although I dont have any siblings, my parents left me at this stupid school. Then when Uncle Wu let me live with him and the others I started feeling better, as if I still have someone to count on. It got kinda worse when we found out that I am the green ninja. Dont get me wrong, I dont regret anything. I just lost my whole childhood because of this. I didn't even have time to make friends at my age or do things the other kids did"
He continued.

"Well...I can be your friend!"
You said, he seemed to be a little surprised by your answer.

"I appreciate it Y/n, I do. Thank you"
He said with a warm smile forming on his face.

His smile made your heart skip a few beats. You didn't know what it is but you felt a connection with Lloyd. It was nice to finally talk about it with someone after all those years. Someone who understands.

"Hey...could you please don't tell Jay about what I said? I dont want him to know. He will feel guilty although it wasn't his fault."
You announced.

"Im not going to tell him if you're not going to tell anyone about what I told you!"
He chuckled and pulled his hand with his pinky finger pointing out.


You answered.

Both of you stayed up in the morning just talking about things. Comes out that you had many things in common.

After a while, you got back to your room and dressed up before anyone woke up. Then you made your way to the kitchen again to eat breakfast together with Lloyd. Suddenly someone came in. It was the rest of the boys. You quickly caught their attention.

"You two woke up earlier I see?"
Jay started.

"Yes, "earlier" "
You laughed at Lloyd, he started giggling as well which made the other boys look at you suspiciously.

After a while, everyone sat together to eat something, although you were already finished with your meal, you stayed and talked with the others. You talked mostly with Lloyd.

"I'm glad Y/n and Lloyd are getting along"
Sensei Wu said to Nya and the rest as he looked at you and your friend.

"Lloyd needed someone who would be more like a friend to him. Someone exactly like her."
He continued.

Everyone was now done with their breakfast so it was time for their morning training. Everyone got up on the bounty deck. Of course, you also wanted to be a part of the training but Jay never let you do the same things as they did.

"Hmm okay look Y/n. If you will be able to beat my push-up score *cough* which is 557 *cough* then I can ask Sensei if you can also try our training!"
Jay said proudly being sure you weren't able to do such a thing, but you were determined to do this anyway so you stretched a little first.

You said and started doing push-ups.

Boys were focusing on what Sensei Wu was saying but they could overhear you whispering things like "100, 101" which was already pretty impressive for them.

Time was going on, ninjas already finished their practice. Lloyd immediately walked to you and sat beside you to motivate you.

"499, 500..."
You continued counting.

"Come on Y/n only a bit more!"
Lloyd started cheering you up which helped a lot.

Your arms felt like they were burning but you wanted to show that you're as good as no as good as jay but better than Jay. Suddenly when you got to 509 your arms got out of control, they felt like jelly and you automatically fell on your chest. Your heavy breathing was hearable from at least 5 meters.

"I told you! You're not able to beat my score!"
Jay laughed as he got inside again.

Lloyd looked at you and smiled.

"Don't worry! I'm sure you'll get it next time"
He cheered.

"Thank you, Lloyd."
You answered as you slowly started getting up from the ground.

Suddenly you heard a familiar voice from behind you.

"Hey, I made you some lemonade"
You turned around and saw Kai standing with one glass of lemonade which has ice cubes in it.

"Thank you, Kai!"
You quickly started drinking.

"Oh sorry Lloyd we got out of lemons so I wasn't able to make one for you too''
And gave him a weird look.

"...are you okay Kai? You act weird towards me the last time"
Lloyd asked.

"No idea what you're talking about buddy"
Kai answered and sat next to you. Lloyd sighed and went inside to get something else to drink.

"So...I see that you and Lloyd are getting along"
He started.

"Yeah! He's nice and we have the same interests"
You said as you finished your glass of lemonade.

"Cool. By the way, do you want to maybe go somewhere? We could talk and get to know each other better."
He asked.

"Well there is ONE place I would like to go but I don't know if you'd like it"
You said.

"I'm cool with anything you choose, I asked where YOU wanna go so it's fine"
He continued.

"Well the thing is I want to go to the arcade and play some games, I haven't been there in ages."
You said.

"Well, we are going there then!"
He said which made you smile.

"Thank you! I'll go shower first tho, im all sweaty"
You said as you slowly got up on your legs.

"Take your time"

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