Chapter 1: first steps

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After the longest year of your life, the day of your big chance has finally come. The letter that your brother Jay sent you the other day said that today he will come and visit your family together with all the other ninjas and most importantly, consider taking you with him.

You were so excited that you couldn't even stay in one place. You ran around the junkyard for about an hour just to use the energy. Suddenly you heard a weird sound from the sky. You looked up into the sky and saw...a boat? Your eyes widened. You couldn't believe what you see, a flying boat!

Your parents got out of the house to welcome your new guests.
After a moment the boat landed in front of the gate. You hid behind a pile of garbage or (as your parents would say "pile of treasures") to surprise Jay.

Not so long after you saw seven figures from afar. You could easily see that the one in the front is your brother, he hasn't changed, after all, and he didn't grow as much as he said in the letters. The others were unknown to you.

"Jay! Welcome home!"
You heard your mom yell.

"Hey mom, dad... Where's Y/n?"
He asked and looked around trying to find you.

At this point, you just couldn't help yourself but get out of your hiding spot and jump right into his arms.

You screamed as you hugged him tightly.

"Y-y/n, I can't breathe"
He let out. You let him go after a second. He sighed and smiled again.

"Woah, you've grown so much! Wait... Are those muscles?"
He asked and started tickling you.

"I told you that I started working out!" 
You said in the middle of laughing

"It's true. She was always helping us with the junkyard."
Your mom said proudly.

"Wow, that is something, I bet your still not good as me tho!"
He claimed which you just rolled your eyes on.

''Well, I should introduce everyone"
He said and moved to the side to reveal the rest of the folks.

You knew names like Kai, Cole, Zane, Nya, or Lloyd because Jay was repeatedly writing about them in his letters. Although you had no idea what they look like and who is who.

"Okay, this is Kai-"
He pointed to a tall boy in a red ninja robe.

When you heard this name you quickly cut him off and gasped in awe as you remembered what Jay wrote about him in one of his letters.

"Kai?! So your power is flame, right? Can you show me?! Pleeease!"
You started jumping in excitement. Kai chuckled and after a second a large piece of fire grew out of his hand.

"Woah! So cool!"
Your eyes shone. Jay was getting annoyed but he could understand why you are so excited.

"Sorry for her"
He laughed awkwardly

"no worries, I know im awesome"
Kai responded proudly with his typical cocky smile as he started 'flexing' muscles which made Jay sigh.

"Moving on"
He continued.

"This is Cole"
He pointed out the tallest boy of everyone. He was very muscular but his expression seemed warm and nice. Cole walked to you and pulled out his hand to shake and you did as well, his grip was really strong.

"Hm...cole...oh right! You're the one with earth powers aren't you?"
You asked.

''Correct! Nice to meet you!" 
He smiled warmly.

"I need you!" remastered (Lloyd Garmadon x reader)Where stories live. Discover now