Chapter 3: arcade

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You made your way inside to take a shower and change your clothes but jay stopped you.

"Y/n, any plans for today? And not gonna lie, you did pretty well with the push-ups"
He claimed and put his arm around you.

"Thanks! Next time i'll do better though. And yeah I do actually, im going to the arcade with Kai"
You replied.

"Wait, like a date!?"
He yelled in his pitched voice of his.

"Of course not dumbass. It's just you know, to get to know each other better."
You punched him in the shoulder lightly.

"Well okay... Just don't do any weird stuff okay?"
He said with his mom's attitude.

"What do you mean 'weird stuff?"
You questioned.

"You know, don't kiss or anything"

"Jay you're being dumb. We just want to get to know each other better."
You laughed which made Jay roll his eyes.

"anyways, have fun in the arcade"
He said and ruffled your hair, you hated it.

"Did someone say arcade"
Lloyd popped out of the kitchen with a bright smile of his. You smiled right away when you saw him.

"Yeah, I and Kai are going to the arcade to play some games"
You responded.

" two alone?"
He asked. His smile faded a little.

"I mean that was the plan but im sure Kai wouldn't mind"
You claimed.

"Cool! I will go change then"
He said and left, you did as well.


You knocked on the boy's room to find Kai and Lloyd and tell them you're ready to go. Kai opened the doors just as you expected.

"Hey Kai, im ready."
You said as a smile formed on your face.

"Good! Im ready too, we can go now."
He smiled at you in response but you tried to look inside to room to find Lloyd. Kai caught you staring at the room so he asked.

''Is something wrong...?"

"Oh sorry! No, I'm just looking for Lloyd"
You said and rubbed the back of your head.

"Lloyd? Do you need anything from him?"
Kai asked which was pretty surprising for you since you thought Lloyd already told him he was going too.

"He didn't tell you? He asked if he could join us at the arcade so I said sure, I thought he told you after I left to change"
After you said that Kai seemed upset which made you stress right away.

"Sorry! I should ask you if you feel comfortable with this first! I'm so sorry!"
You said and apologized to him repeatedly. He just chuckled a bit.

"It's fine! You dont have to apologize''
These words made you sigh in relief.
You opened your mouth as if you were about to say something but a common voice stopped you.

''Hey don't forget about me!"
You turned around and saw Lloyd stepping through the corridor.

"Okay I think we are ready to go then"
As soon as you said that your all three left.


You entered the arcade. Neon lights, loud-talking kids, and the smell of popcorn immediately refreshed your memory and you got some flashbacks from when you and Jay were still little kids and used to beg your parents for coins only to play some games.

"Hey, Y/n look at this!"
Lloyd yelled as he grabbed you by your hand to the prices behind the glass.

"Do you see what I see?"
He asked.

"Yes I do and I want it as much as you do."
You were talking about Fritz Donnegan's action figure of course. The only one left.

"Do you think we should?"
He continued.

You said shortly as your eyes were still shining at the thought of this figure standing in your room. Suddenly you felt someone touch your shoulder. You turned around and saw Kai standing behind you.

"Hey, dont leave me like that. What do you guys are looking on anyways...oh right..."
He looked at the figure and then at how many tickets you needed to get it.

"Do you two think you'll be able to earn 2000 tickets?"
He asked both of you.

"Not without 'best red ninja'shelp"
Lloyd said which seems like he still hasn't convinced him.

"Please, Kai! If we win i'll owe you something"
You said which automatically changed his mind.

"Owe me? Well, I can go for it.
He said and took coins out of his pocket. And from this moment the fun began. You played many games from shooting games to racing. Not gonna lie, every one of you was good at these games and after an hour you almost got enough tickets for the figure. When you and Lloyd play a game for 2 players Kai was standing behind you and giving you tips on how to get the best amount of points.

"Wait no, try shooting like this"
Kai said and put his hands on yours, guiding you through the game. You weren't expecting his warm hands to touch yours so unexpectedly. Lloyd quickly noticed you two.

"Im getting hungry... Kai, could you get us something to eat?"
Lloyd asked.

"Sure, I'll be back in a minute"
Kai said and slowly made his way to the popcorn machine.

"Y/n, if we win this game now with a high amount of points, we are going to be able to get the figure!" Lloyd said with excitement.

"I know! We gotta focus...only some more..."
As soon as you said that the game was over, in a good sense of course! You and Lloyd had a new best score! You and Lloyd started cheering like crazy. Other kids just watched two almost grown-up teenagers yelling 'we did it!' Or 'we just won life!' For a good 5 minutes. As you finally stopped screaming Kai came back with your popcorn.

"Here you go, ma'am"
The brunette said and handed you the small box of popcorn.

"And here's yours"
He gave the same thing to Lloyd.

"Thanks, Let's get the price!"
Lloyd said. As you two walked through the place, someone accidentally bumped into you. It was an older woman. You tripped over your leg but luckily Lloyd caught you. You were a little shocked and you didn't know what to do but suddenly you smelled...sweet. Like candy, caramel candy to be more specific.

You said without thinking because you zoomed out. You wanted to say "you smell good" but quickly realized that it would be weird.

He said.

"Oh never mind! It's weird"
You said awkwardly and got out of his arms.

"No, tell me!"
He said.

"Well dont take me as a weirdo or something but you smell good"
You said and felt your face warming up a bit. Of course, you did since it's obvious that if you just tell someone 'hey you smell good' they are gonna take you for a creep. Suddenly he started giggling.

He said and smiled. Again, this smile. It was like before. He makes you feel safe for some reason.

"Now let's get the price!"
He said and quickly ran up to the worker that was there. You waited with Kai for him for a couple of minutes. It was kinda awkward.

Kai began

"Hey, I got it!"
Lloyd said as he ran back to you, giving you the box with the figure. Kai let out a sigh once again.

"I can't believe im holding it in my hands!"
You cheered.

All of sudden you felt a horrible pain in your back. As if someone punched you. The last thing you saw before going limp was Kai trying to help you stand up and Lloyd yelling at someone.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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