Killdust Angst

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"JUST SHUT UP. SHUT UP DUST. I DON'T FUCKING CARE BOUT YA DEAD BROTHER. I FEEL THING TOO YA KNOW! ALL YOUR EVER DOING IS TALKING TO YOUR DEAD BROTHER. YOU KILLED HIM DUST. STOP BEING INSANE FOR A GOD DAMN MINUTE AND TALK TO, I DUNNO, YOUR BOYFRIEND. ME!?" Killer yelled at Dust. They've been dating for two years and just now Killer had expressed his feelings. "...I-I'm sorry... Kill..." Dust had tears in his eyes but was looking down so Killer couldn't see.


Dust started crying and then covered his ears.
"... Dust I'm sorry, I forget how you are. I got overwhelmed and jealous." Killer walked to Dust and held him and a tight was soft and lovely hug.
" said your believed me with papy...Are you lying to me..?"
"What?! No! I got cought up in jealousy and was stupid. I love you dust and I'm sorry."
The two stood there for a minute or so before Killer kissed Dusts skull.
"Love you Dust."
"Love you too Kills"
After an hour or so Killer and Dust were sitting on the couch watching TV and cuddling.
Soon after the 5th episode of what they were watching, Dust, had fallen asleep. Killer sighed in content. 'I wish I hadn't made you cry mi amor...' killer thought as he held dust on the couch in guilt. Soon after a few hours Killer had teleported him and dust to his room. Nightmare let no one share a room unless it was him and his love. (No spoilers. Will be listed in {if} part 2. If you want pt 2 then comment who he should be shipped with.) He sat Dust down on his bed and then covered him with a blanket. 'I love you Dusty.' Killer said in his mind as he had gotten into a comfortable place on his bed and soon fallen asleep.
Several hours later
Dust woken up and went downstairs. "Hey dust! How are ya! Where's Killer?" Horror said to dust while he was cooking. "Still asleep." Horror hummed in response and continued to make breakfast. (I'm losing motivation to keep going so I'm ending this chapter/part here for now)

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