Drepic Fluff

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Dream: Hello
Epic: Hello
Audio (dream x epic ship child by me): Hello

It was a Sunday morning but quite chilly. Audio and Epic were sleeping soundlessly while Dream was doing paperwork.
Epic woke up and walked to dreams office knowing he was most likely in there.
"Babe?" Epic said to Dream as he walked to his desk. "Hm?" Dream said as he yawned. Epic sighed and picked Dream up bridal style. "E-Epic! Put me down!" Epic only chuckled in response and carried him to they're room "Epic, darling, I'm not tired~" Dream said trying to sound like he needed to be awake, and trying to sound sexy. Though Epic did blush, he laid Dream down on the bed and through an blanket on him then laid with 'em. "Ep-" Dream was cut off by Epic kissing him then hugging him. "Dream, go to sleep, your clearly tired. All you do in the morning is work. You don't even eat food anymore, and when you do it's rarely and not a full meal like you need." Dream was silent for a moment or two then looked at Epic. He yawned and nodded then fell asleep right next to Epic. By this time it was 10:54 am. Dream has woken up at 6:30 am. Done work for about 3:24 and Epic spent the rest of the time getting Dream to sleep, it might've seems like a short time but for Epic it felt like it actually did. Epic sighed in relief. Finally getting Dream asleep. Epic soon drifted off to sleep. Your probably like "what about Audio?" or, "who's Audio?" I'll answer both so this is a little longer. Audio is made by me cause I don't think there are any Drepic ship children. Audio is 4 and has black hair with amber eyes. His pupils and purple stars. He wears something close to both Dream and Epics clothing. He wears a black shirt with a yellow jacket. The jacket has teal strips. He's wearing fishnets and a pair of very ripped jeans. And finally, he has a mask that says Audio blast and has some boots that look very alike to Dreams. I'll probably do a picture of him and post it on here. But hope you enjoyed this crappy story, sorry I haven't posted for a bit I have had the stress of school on my shoulders.

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