The beginning of the beginning...

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There is a legend among dragons, a legend so secretive that it's only known by the most ancient and powerful of dragons... This legend foretells of a time before... Everything... In fact let's hear it from the dragons mouth...

Nobody's POV

It's night, and a previous dragon emperor can't fall asleep...

???: Ugh, why can't I sleep!

Ddraig: shush! I'm trying to sleep

???: sorry I can't sleep... Hey Ddraig!

Ddraig: what?

???: do you know any bedtime Storys?

Ddraig: ..... One....

???: What did you say?

Ddraig: I know of only one, but it's a old one told by my race for generations!

???: Tell me then!

Ddraig: alrighty... Ahem... Long ago, in a time before time, there was four gods... Each represented something important to our world, the youngest represented the concept of dreams, the second youngest represented the concept of boundless, endless, Infinity, The second oldest represented the concept of the end of all things, and the eldest represented the concept of the beginning... The four gods lived in somewhat Harmony, at least until that peace was completely shattered. The eldest of the four gods wanted more power, so much in fact that they would be unstoppable! Not that they already weren't, as the oldest was the strongest, the second youngest was second strongest, the second oldest was third strongest and the youngest was the least strongest, however the Gap in between power of the second strongest and first strongest was exponentially bigger than anything you could possibly imagine! It took all three of the gods Powers combined in order to defeat this otherwise unbeatable opponent, however it was not without sacrifice, the second oldest God fell into pure insanity and madness, until it became a mindless, soulless husk of its old self, bent on total Destruction! The second youngest lost half of their power making them as strong as the youngest, that was until the second youngest God, kept giving away their power like it was candy! And the youngest and the least strongest, lost any and all compassion they once had... As for the eldest God, the other three transformed his corporeal form into a vessel and prison for his soul and power, each praying that the eldest God would never be free......

Ddraig: and that is the end of the legend, now get some sl-

???: "Audible snoring"

Ddraig:... Goodnight....

Meanwhile in China

In a very large and secluded Temple, tucked away from the rest of the world, there was a boy who was gifted with special abilities, the boy had the power to summon a cudgel like staff at any time they wanted, obviously the boy was then put into intense training as his father believed that due to this ability his son could, with the right training, be the strongest warrior in their Kingdom! However little did everyone, even the boy know that the weapon which of the boy could summon, was no ordinary weapon, instead it was a seal, a cage, a prison designed to hold something very powerful within...

We skip 10 year's to the boys 15th birthday. Where he can be seen training with his father, who is constantly yelling at him and calling him worthless...

Lord Zhiu: you worthless weakling! What is wrong with you!?! First you can't use any kind of magic, second you embarrass me in front of your mother! And third you mess up every single move I tell you to work on!!!

The boy's father would then give him a severe beating, however feeling as if it was not enough, Zhiu the boy's father, grabs him by the neck and throws him out from the top of the palace! Sending the boy nearly 10,000 stories down, the boy of course tries everything he can to survive, but nothing works, as he can not use any kind of magic to help him, and he is certain to fall to his death...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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