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"Noona, do you see Yugyeom?" Bambam asked me when I was busy updating their instagram stories.

"No," I frowned. "How come did he manage to get lost twice in a row?"

"I don't know," he shrugged. "We were stopping at this store to buy some souvenirs and I went to the next door store to buy an ice cream. When I came back, Jaebeom hyung told me that he didn't see Yugyeom. And until we gathered with the rest of the team, he still hasn't showed up."

I sighed, "Where did you last see him?"

"Yugyeom is lost again," Mark suddenly appeared just when Bambam was about to open his mouth. "Can you try to get him? The others are going to the venue. It's time for our final rehearsal, so we have to get back to the venue."

I was about to protest when Jaebeom appeared, "Sorry noona, but can you help us to find Yugyeom? We're in a rush to go back to the venue. This is the address of the venue and I'll text you the pin on the maps for just in case. Do you have money for the taxi fare?"

"I'm not his babysitter," I gritted. "What about his manager?" I wasn't his manager, so why should I be the one to find him?

"He doesn't have his own manager. His manager is our manager as well," Youngjae added. "Only Bambam, Jackson, and Jinyoung that have their own managers. The rest of us are sharing."

"Okay fineeee," I caved in at the end, then proceeded to get the money from Jaebeom for the taxi fare and got the direction from Bambam for the place where he saw Yugyeom for the last time.

"I swear.. Next time you guys should put a leash on him," I gritted and the rest chuckled at my comment.

I managed to find the store that Bambam told me only to find no one inside. I decided to walk around the complex, hoping that perhaps Yugyeom was inside one of the stores in the area. I walked past a cafe before pausing and retreating my steps. There inside the cafe, slumped against the glass window was Yugyeom. My blood boiled at the realization that once again he was left behind because he was dozing off. He was such a baby and should be put on leash so he wouldn't get others into trouble. I rushed into the cafe and partially relieved that the cafe was basically deserted. Luckily it wasn't lunch time yet or the cafe would be busier. I quickly shook his shoulder to wake him up.

"Yugyeom!" This time I didn't care and just shook him hard until he woke up, startled by my harsh voice.

"What?" he jumped and few seconds later realization dawned on him. He groaned, "I dozed off again, didn't I? Ughh.. Jaebeom hyung will kill me."

"Yeah, he will. The rest of your members are at the venue already, we have to go now," I dragged him toward the exit but he yanked my hand.

"Wait, my ice choco," he exclaimed, turning around to go to the counter.

"Again? Ughh... I will kill you myself next time," I swore.


We managed to arrive at the venue 20 minutes later. I apologized to everyone and got scolded by Jaebeom hyung as predicted. But we didn't have much time so the scolding was kept minimum as we had to rehearse ASAP. The day went by in a blink of an eye. We were just eating lunch and got some rest before the concert, and then it was concert time already. We sang, danced and talked to the fans and suddenly, we were finished with day one. We repeated the same routine for the next day and headed to the next city. Soon, everything fell into a routine. We went sight-seeing when we had spare time, recording vlogs as we went around the city for the youtube channel and performed on stage when it was time for our concert. Tonight, we were going sight-seeing again on our last cities here in Europe.

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