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"Come on, you already agreed!" Kokichi dragged Kiyo over to where Angie was sitting.

"You'll be fine, Angie's nice!"

Kiyo sighed nervously. It had been a week since they all woke up from the simulation and it felt like a miracle that he was alive. He still hadn't talked to Angie, Tenko, or Himiko about what happened, but Angie seemed like the safest option. At least she wouldn't kick his head off his body... he hoped.

"Hello Kiyo!" Angie smiled when he sat down. She was still as happy and positive as ever, he hadn't seen her smile falter once even during the game.

"Hello Angie." He hesitated.

"I-I'm very sorry about what I did to you and Tenko and Himiko. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about it... You must hate me so very much and I understand, I would hate me too, but-" He found himself tearing up and his hands shaking but he forced himself to continue.

"I just needed you to know that I'm sorry and I feel terrible about what I did..." Tears streamed down his face as Angie looked at him, then pulled him into a hug.

"Don't worry Kiyo! Atua has forgiven you, and so has Angie." She said gently, stroking his hair comfortingly. He cried softly into her shoulder before sitting up and carefully wiping his eyes.

"I got makeup on your jacket... I'm sorry."

"Oh don't worry! Angie can get that out!" She grinned, looking at the black streaks on her yellow jacket.

She took his hand carefully, then leaned over and kissed him on the side of his mask.

Kiyo felt his face grow hot and he stood up, and Angie followed suit. She held onto his arm, looking rather happy to be there, somehow happier then normal.

"Thank you Kokichi for setting this up!" She yelled, seemingly into thin air.

"Of course!" Kokichi stepped out from behind a plant. "The Ultimate Supreme Leader can't have his subjects mad at each other!"

"You're rather smug aren't you Ouma."

"Well, now I get to say 'I told you so!' Nishishi! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go tell Miu the new gossip! Later!" Kokichi ran down the hall toward Miu's dorm.

Angie looked up at him with an expectant smile.

"Does Kiyo want to come to Angie's lab?"

"I suppose we could do that...yes" Kiyo decided. He wasn't used to being invited anywhere with anyone. People were usually too weirded out by him to even talk to him, let alone ask him to hang out...

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