Talking about Sister

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Heyyy! Sorry for not posting forever, that's my bad 🥴

Just wanted to say this has mentions of Korekiyo's sister, so if that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip! It'll probably make since, idk I haven't started the next chapter yet.

Also sorry they're so short, I'm not super at writing so 💀

Anyway, please enjoy!


He felt Angie shift, her ear against his chest.

"Mm- Kiyo? Are you ok, you're breathing kind of funny..." Angie questioned sleepily.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, but I'm alright." Kiyo responded, attempting to put her at ease.

She paused for a second before asking.

"Are you thinking about your sister?"

"Why would you think that Angie?"

"Well, Angie noticed you act different when talking or thinking about her..." she said sheepishly.

"Ah- Then I will will answer with honesty and say that I was thinking about her."

"What about her?" Angie seemed to be slowly waking up and getting back to her usual excitable self.

"I would prefer not to talk about it Angie."

"Oh, that's alright! Angie understands! Angie knows how much you love and miss her!"

"Ah, yes I do miss her..." he was unsure how much Angie knew of his sister because she was dead at the time of the trial, however, she did have a knack for finding people's secrets.

"How long has it been since you've seen her?"

"Well... it's been around two years."

Angie looked at him and he saw pity in her eyes.

"I am so sorry Kiyo..." she gave him one of her strong hugs.

"I-" Kiyo could feel himself starting to cry. "Please do not pity me Angie..."

"Shhh, it's ok, Angie's here and she loves you very much." She moved, pulling Kiyo's head into her chest and stroking his hair.

At this point Kiyo lost it and started crying messily. Angie simply kept saying soft affirmations and petting him gently which did wonders for calming him down. His crying finally slowed and he took large breaths, trying to slow his breathing.

Angie's hand begin to run gently down his back as well and he shuttered softly.

"You really are just a big sweetheart Kiyo!" Angie smiled.

"You're far too kind Angie..."

"Well, Atua says to be nice to everyone, and Angie especially likes you, Kiyo!"

Kiyo went red, relaxing into Angie's arms.

"You really shouldn't..."

"Kiyo!" She made him sit up in front of her and took his bandaged hands in hers. "Angie does not judge for the past! She only wants to make the future good for Korekiyo!"

He melted at her words, he never knew how much he needed to hear that.

"You have such a beautiful soul Angie...Far too kind for this bitter world."

"No no! Angie doesn't think the word is bitter at all!" She smiled, and Kiyo couldn't help but smile as well. "Angie thinks to world just needs love! And Atua of course!" She added, almost as an afterthought, but Kiyo could tell it was planned.

"That is quite an interesting outlook Angie. I tend to think quite negatively about the world, but you seem very positive about it. You really are simply so fascinating."

Angie went red at the comment, giggling softly. She hopped off the bed, grabbing Kiyo's hand and pulling him up too.

"We should get dressed and go down! Atua says everyone is waiting!"

"Ah, I suppose we should..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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