Help Me, Please... (A One Direction Fan Fiction)

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Hello, my name is Grace Anne... I am 19, i have one brother who is 16, named Dylan. I also have one sister named Kiera, she is 14. I practically have to raise my sister, and my brother takes care of himself, due to our parents dying in a car crash, and us moving in with our aunt and uncle. My uncle and aunt, are both our guardians. They are abusive, and drunks... My uncle is always out drinking. My aunt likes to drink at home, to make sure we don't run away. I have been a cutter since, i think, seventh or eighth grade. My best friend Leanne Rose, she is the only person that will ever know about me cutting. Besides my aunt, uncle and siblings.

My Uncle's name is Daniel. My aunt is Lynn. I used to have the best times with my aunt Lynn. Then she met uncle Dan. He was a drunk from the start. He sobered for a while, when they got engaged, Lynn said she would not accept his marriage proposal until he sobered up. He did. When they got married, he stayed okay for about a year. Then they went out to a bar. They got drunk one night. They enjoyed the feeling i guess. They never stopped since.

Tonight they are going out to dinner, some what sober. They are locking the doors and i am being sure to lock them once we escape. Me and Dylan made the plan. Dylan is going to get Kiera from school, and come straight home. Once my Aunt and Uncle are in the car, we will break all the beer bottles. We will grab our hidden bags. We will run down the stairs and ask Kiera if they are gone. When they are gone, we will wait for ten minutes. Once we know they are not coming back for a while, we will go out the back door. We will sprint to Leanne's house. (she helped us to get plane tickets to London.) We are currently in New York. My brother has just left to get Kiera. "GRACIE!!!! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE. NOW!" oh God PLEASE SAVE ME. Please. ~help~ I walk over to my Uncle. "Yes?" i say a bit to quietly. "I CANT HEAR YOU, YOU LITTLE WITCH" He grabs my wrist. " You do this to yourself for attention. You want to make me feel bad eh?? WELL ITS NOT WORKING." he spits towards me. Suddenly i feel a sharp pain on my face. Then i see blood drip on the floor... I realised that he slapped me and pulled my arms, opening my slowly healing scars. "FEELS GOOD DOESN'T IT? YOU LIKE PAIN DONT YOU?" Another slap. A swift punch to the gut. I hear the frontdoor alarm going off... "Kiera! Dylan get her out of here!" i try to scream but fail. I fall to the ground and get kicked in the ribs. I see Dylan put Kiera in her room. He comes running towards me. Another two kicks. I lay there in pain while i see Dylan crash a lamp on our uncles head. "NO!" i hear my aunt scream. She doesnt abuse us. Only our uncle. My uncle turns around to Dylan. One punch and hes on the ground. "Now to finish you off." My uncle turns around. One kickto the ribs. One kick to the face. My ribs have to be broken. One kick, Two kicks, Three kicks. And im done, all i hear is my sisters screams. And my brothers yells for help. And everything is black.


OMG HIIIIIII okay so BEST THING IVE EVER WRITTEN. haha, well if you guys want to yimmer on, about you life, if you have any abuse or cutting or anything experiences, I AM HERE FOR YOU. i decide to upload another chapter, after this since they are ya know going to leannes house then to London. ONE DIRECTION WILL COME IN AROUND CHAPTER 4 or 5, Dont hate me haha . Also there will most likely be spelling mistakes, because i am writing this on my kindle fire. Well if you are a reader, and like this, PLEASE SHARE... I will update depending on votes starting on chapter five.(Like say at the end:FIVE VOTES = TWO CHAPTERS or something like that haha) HOPE YOU LIKE, IM GUNNA POST ANOTHER CHAPTER TONIGHT. well depending if my kindle feels like dying or not. Well bye my lovelies! xxxxx


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