(1) Ida's Corner

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Act One.

6:30 am alarm Sunday morning, sounds amazing doesn't it? Yeah Ivy thought so too. A 7:00 am shift down at Ida's Corner normally was no sweat, but on a morning the day after a midterm and the subsequential celebratory partying after; that may or may not have gone on up until two hours before said 6:30 am alarm for said 7:00 am shift? Not so much. I have a feeling you'd agree. A good Redbull and SSRI of your choice should do the trick. (Ivy prefers Lamictal if you were wondering.) However, today wasn't just any 'heading to my waitressing shift hungover with two hours of sleep' type of day. It was the day Ivy was going to meet James Buchannan Barnes. Ex-assassin turned Avenger-world-saving hero. Kind of a hard guy to miss. That is before he cut his hair and started hiding that beautiful metal arm. Besides the point, today was the first day of the rest of her life.

October 13th, 6:30 am (as we know). A brisk and sunny 65 degrees, a great way to start a hell of a morning. After a very nutritious breakfast (Rebull and an SSRI- keep up), Ivy started her short journey to Ida's. Ida's Corner was a staple breakfast stop for natives to the Brooklyn area. Opened in 1922 and still owned by the same family. During the Great Depression the restaurant actually fed the families around town for free, and basically got a get out of jail free card from the city so the business wouldn't go bankrupt. The actual stories being passed through the generations got watered down over time, but nobody who grew up in Brooklyn didn't know about the epic tale that is Ida's Corner. If they don't, they're not native.

"Peter you're not on until 8 what are you doing here?" Ivy asked absently as she fumbled with the keys to get in the diner.

Peter; Peter Parker, was a host at Ida's, the best goddamn host in the tri-state area. And don't you forget it.

"I know but then customers would be here and I wouldn't be able to tell you how my date with MJ went and I wouldn't get to hear about your midterm. I mean its your senior that's kind of a big deal and-" The words just fell out of his mouth so fast Ivy thought she might be drowning in a verbal Niagara Falls. Don't be fooled though, she would kill for Mr. Parker.

After tuning Peter out and fumbling with the keys for about two and a half minutes, the front door was finally unlocked and the warmth that is Ida's welcomed Ivy like a warm hug. Walls completely covered in paintings and pictures, to the left Peter's host stand, beyond that a booth long enough to sit two round tables at, with regular chairs to take the other side. To the right, three round tables spaced out with their salt and pepper shakers. Past those tables stand the glorious coffee station, adjacent to the kitchen window/door. And last but not least in the corner on the far left of the room, barely in view to the rest of the restaurant due to the unique shape of the corner building, was Ivy's favorite spot. One lone table with one lonely chair to match. On slow days she found solace in the secluded corner whether it be to eat, play on her phone, or hide from a less than likeable customer.

"Parker calm down the sun is barely awake." She finally interrupted as she started the first coffee brew of the day. "Besides, isn't MJ already your girlfriend?"

"Well yeah but I- I guess I still get nervous. Isthatdumb?" he stuttered at an honestly impressive rate.

"No of course not- well maybe a little." She paused for a quick moment. "You know I'm not a good person to ask."

Peter walked to his host stand to begin wiping it down as he always did. Again, best host in the tri-state area. It really is the little things.

"Fair. But how was your midterm?! How do you think you did? A-And did you meet that guy? Daniel?"

Daniel. Super Senior, Alpha Sigma Phi Alpha Delta fucking bullshit frat boy. Honestly it's Ivy's fault.

"Ha!" She choked. "Midterm was fine, I definitely at least passed. Daniel-" She trailed off with a smile on her face in spite of herself. "- Got to the bar and he already had some femme fatale, black hair, blue eyed, out of his league-"

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