No One Egg-spects The Spanish Opposition

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"Last time on Total Drama All-Stars, the island was bathed in a rare blue harvest moon that turns normally sweet creatures into pure evil. Totally unsafe to be out after dark in that. As they raced, Heather pretended to be affected by the moon while two certain heroes got upright villainous on each other a.k.a, "Mike" and (Y/n). In the end, the villains won again and Cameron volunteered to be the home bound hero for reasons unknown...but, in a final twist, Cameron became the newest member of the Villainous Vultures. But, that was then and this is now and we can't stop it so, we've got to top it right here on Total. Drama. All-Stars!"

As you throw on a random outfit, you put on a pair of slippers before walking out of your room, completely disregarding your hair.

Upon walking into the kitchen, you notice everyone is already there. Grabbing yourself a bottle of water, you sit next to Cameron before turning towards the male.

"Good morning, Cam. How are your glasses coming along?" He tries to push them together but, as soon as he does so, they break even more.

"I...It's not coming along too well..." You nod before reaching into you pockets. "I can see that. If you'd you'd like, you could use my reading glasses for today."

Cameron looks at you shocked as you say this. "Really?" You nod as you hand him the black pair of bifocals. "Yes. Really." The frail boy smiles before taking your glasses and trying them on.

"Hey! They're just like my own! Thank you so much, (Y/n)." You chuckle. "No problem. Just be sure not to break those too, okay?"

Cam nods before running off with the new glasses. "Okay! I promise I'll return them as soon as I can!" As the boy's frame of the boy leaves the corner of your eyes, you stand before looking around.

As your eyes spot who you need to see, you sit next to Alejandro and Heather before listening in on their conversation.

"Great. Nerd boy already bonded with (Y/n). I hate to say it but, maybe we should form a temporary alliance to avoid being voted off. Allies?"

As Heather holds out her hand towards Alejandro, he kisses it. "Agreed." The said woman immediately pulls her hand away.

"Ugh. Gross."

-Cut to Static-

As you cross your legs and glare at the camera, you let out a long, heavy sigh.

"There's nothing wrong with baiting the enemy in. I'm just playing this game as strategically as possible. Gain his trust, then vote him off when he least expects it."

You throw your hands in the air. "Is that so hard to understand?!"

-Cut to static-

Alejandro sits in the confessional, a fake smile on his face. "She trusts me? Ha! Soon, I will have my revenge for the dishonor she bought upon my family name."

He coyly holds up his hair. "Once this gorgeous face gets rid of that gorgeous face, (Y/n) and I will win it all!"

Alejandro's eyes widen. "I-I mean I! I will win it all!"

-Cut from static-

As Alejandro and Heather continue to discuss their plans, you hear a voice on the PA system. "Get your butts to the dock, campers! It's challenge time!"

As the system turns off, you sigh before throwing away your now empty bottle and walking outside, towards the docks. As everyone gathers together, Chris mischievous smirks.

"Welcome all! Today's challenge involves a trip to the fun zone!" You roll your eyes as the host says this.

Heather: What's the fun zone? Is it just a building on fire?

The Villainess (Total Drama Various x Villain Reader)Where stories live. Discover now