Zeek and Ye Shall Find

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"Last time on Total Drama All Stars, The teams were no more and, it was a free for all race to the floating machines for a Regatta. The boat around Wawanakwa but, some floated better than others for some reason...*cough* Mal. *cough* And, Chef supplied some dynamite entertainment. Alejandro and (Y/n) won the challenge and, Duncan proved he still had a little Villain in him after all. Cameron would've gotten the flush but, he was saved by Duncan's court-ordered exit, complete with police escort. Eight players move on. Soon, one more will be gone. Who will it be? Stick around and see here on Total. Drama. All Stars!"

As you sit inside the Jacuzzi with Alejandro across from you, you lean further into the water, a soft smile on your face. As the butler from the Spa Hotel walks over towards you and Alejandro with two drinks on a tray, you grab one for yourself before taking a long sip of it.

A relaxed sigh makes its way out of your mouth.

"Ah...this is the life." Alejandro smirks. "The life we deserve. The life we will have after we win the million dollars or, in your case, the seven million."

You laugh before raising your drink in the air, towards Alejandro. "A drink. To victory, being hot, and overall, us." Ale clinks has glass against yours. "Arriba. Abajo. Al Centro. Al Dentro!"

As you down a majority of your drink, you wipe your mouth before placing your glass to the side and sinking even deeper into the water.

"Man. I could get used to this treatmen-"

"Hey roomies!"

"Wait a minute. Huh?" As you look up and see Chris with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, you immediately recoil in disgust. "Dude! Put some fucking clothes on!"

Chris crosses his arms. "That's no way to treat your new roomie." You raise an eyebrow. "I'm sorry. Roomie?" Chris throws his towel onto Alejandro's face before sitting inside the Jacuzzi, wrapping his arm tightly around you.

"Yes. Roomie. I lost everything in that fire. Including...my swim trunks." As you and Alejandro look down, your eyes widen before you immediately stand from the water. "And, suddenly, I'm not as tempted as before to relax in the Jacuzzi..."

You hold out a hand towards Alejandro. "Shall we? He immediately takes it before stepping out with you and walking back inside the spa hotel. As soon as you both get inside, however, you let out a long yawn before stretching a bit.

"Damn. I'm tired as hell..."

"Perhaps, you need to rest up a bit?" You nod your head before groggily rubbing your eyes. "Yes...Maybe..." Alejandro nods before parting ways with you. "Then, goodnight, great ally. I hope you sleep tight." You wave towards the male. "You two, Alejandro...you two..."

Alejandro's POV:

As (Y/n) walks away from me and into her room, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "Man. It's getting hard to control myself while I'm near her...she's so stunning. Especially when she looks so tired..."

As I continue my journey to my room, I happen to notice a room filled with multiple monitors and cameras. Walking inside, I take a look around. "So, this is how Chris knows all..."

As I continue to look, I happen to notice a CD out of place. Walking over towards it, I pick it up before reading it. "Hm...Mal's Greatest Hits...How interesting." Spotting a CD player, I slide the disk inside before pressing play.

As multiple scenes of Mike, or should I say Mal, play on the screen, I look at the footage with wide eyes. When the footage zooms in on Mal placing tonight's votes beneath my pillow, however, I look at the screen, now extremely confused. "Hola, strange one. What are you up to?"

The Villainess (Total Drama Various x Villain Reader)Where stories live. Discover now