Sundae Muddy Sundae

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As bright rays of light shine through the window, you let out a long yawn before deeply stretching your joints. As a satisfied sigh makes its way past your lips, you scratch your head before pulling the covers off of you and stepping onto the floor.

When you step out of bed, however, and feel a cold breeze against, you stop in your tracks before slowly looking down.

As you see yourself in nothing but, well nothing, you gasp before immediately pulling a cover over your body. "What the hell?"

Suddenly, the door opens and as Chris walks into the room with a plate of food and a radiant smile on his face, you immediately scowl.

"Oh. It's you."

He sets the warm plate of food by the bed side before sitting next to you. "Good Morning to you too, (Y/n). I hope you slept well."

"Well, it depends..." You take a piece of toast from the plate before taking a bite of it. "Did we have sex last night?" Chris sighs before resting his head against the crook of your neck. "Well, we were really close but, we didn't. Want to know why?"

You hum in pleasure as you turn around and run your fingers through the man's dark hair. "Enlighten me."

"Well, you fell asleep in the middle of everything. As soon as we were about to do it, you fell asleep."

"Which reminds me!" You abruptly pull away from Chris, causing the host to fall against the bed. As you quickly put on an outfit with some matching shoes, you give Chris a quick glance whilst you fix your makeup in the mirror.

"Sense this was partially our first time together and you're rich, I was thinking, you and I could possibly-"

"Get married? Live together? Have children?"

"I-" You place down your mascara before turning towards Chris, an extremely confused look on your face. "I was thinking we could go on a date...after the show...

"Oh...Well..." Chris shrugs before giving you a soft smile. "It's still good. So, a date? Anywhere specific you want to go?" You smirk before booping the hosts' nose with the tip of your lip gloss.

"That's for me to know and you to fin-"


"Huh?" As you turn towards the door and see Zoey on the floor, rubbing her head, you slowly tilt your head to the side. "Zoey? What are you doing here?"

"" She hurriedly stands up before giving you a bright smile. "(Y/n)! Hi! You said something about a date?"

"I...okay. First of all, how did you get in here? And, two-"

"How did you get in here!?" As Chris abruptly stands from the bed and looks at Zoey, rather annoyed, you hear footsteps coming down the hall.

"Hey! Zoey. Have you see-" Mal looks towards you, confused. "(Y/n)?"




"Great..." Chris rolls his eyes before crossing his arms over his chest. "More campers. Didn't you hear the saying, "It's better to knock?"

Zoey waves him off. "Yea yea. So, (Y/n)..." You curiously look towards the woman. "Yes?"

"Did I hear something about you and Chris going on a date?"

You slowly nod your head. "Indeed. You did." You suddenly narrow your eyes. "Why do you ask?" Zoey laughs before trying to change the subject.

"Oh, nothing! It's nothing..."

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