2. Entwined Dreams and Forbidden Oasis

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Every night, I witness the presence of a family of five. A mysterious woman, her face veiled from view, accompanies a man who likely serves as her husband. They emanate an aura of prosperity. Two little girls and a boy, around ten years old, complete their contented unit. This family exudes happiness, indulging in picnics and family vacations, seemingly inseparable.

Initially, it feels like a delightful dream, until it transforms into a horrifying nightmare. Bloodstains mar the walls and floor of their seemingly paradisiacal home. The pungent scent of blood shatters the illusion, jolting me awake from this recurring nightmare. Who are they? Why do they haunt my sleep each night?

"Hey, T, what's going on? You almost collided with a massive guy." a voice interrupts my thoughts.

I feel a gentle tug, preventing my stumble. It turns out my sister has saved me from a collision with a towering stranger. Glancing back, I notice the man glaring at me before vanishing into the bustling crowd. If he had laid a hand on me, it might have spelled instant doom.

"Sorry, sis. My mind wandered for a moment." I sigh, heavily burdened.

"You wanted us to come to the city, and now you're being a total downer." she clucks disapprovingly.

I'm about to retort, but I realize it's futile to argue with Ivory. I'm genuinely surprised she allowed us to attend the concert, well under one condition.

"Just remember, you must stick by my side throughout the entire concert. One step out of line, and we're heading home."

"Of course! I'll be glued to your side like a piece of gum, dearest sister. I promise never to leave you until we return home." I had responded enthusiastically.

Little did I know how seriously Ivory would take my words. Since arriving in the city, she's been clinging to my hand relentlessly. Perhaps she believes it makes us look endearing, but the gazes directed at us seem to disagree. Such a bothersome situation.

"Alright, Ivory, maybe you can let go of my hand for a bit?" I plead, gritting my teeth.

She briefly glances at me, scoffs, and forcefully drags me deeper into the crowd.

"I'm not a child, Ivory!" I yell amidst the chaotic atmosphere.

We revel in the performance of her favorite band. They enjoy immense popularity, captivating almost everyone present, myself included. The night is undeniably enjoyable, yet I yearn to explore the city freely instead of being leashed like a puppy to my sister, who is bellowing like a madwoman while clutching my hand. Moreover, witnessing Brandon, who has harbored feelings for Ivory for seven years now, staring at her with puppy eyes is truly a sight for sore eyes. How agonizing.

"I need to... um, use the restroom." I inform Ivory, raising my voice over the blaring music for what feels like the umpteenth time.

I gaze at my sister, who is entirely engrossed in the awe-inspiring performance of her favorite band, wearing an expression of utter amazement. Her face mirrors the joy of children back home when presented with candies. She's utterly consumed by the moment.

"Ivory! I really need to go!" I scream into her ear.

Startled, she unconsciously releases her grip on my hand, granting me the opportunity to escape into the crowd before she can protest.

"Ah, this is what freedom tastes like." I proclaim, exhaling deeply.

Taking a bite of my generously-sized cotton candy, I pay the vendor and revel in my newfound liberation. Cotton candy? Check. Now that I'm free from the shackles of my sister, I am so eager to explore the city. However, I must return before the concert concludes, or Ivory will be after my neck.

"Excuse me, can you guide me to the most beautiful spot in the city?" I inquire of the cotton candy vendor.

He regards me with a perplexed expression, leaving me to ponder if my question was amiss. "The most beautiful spot in the city? Ah, are you referring to Monoverse?"

Monoverse? What's that?

"Please be more specific. Monoverse comprises numerous attractions. The Resort, Restaurant, Fashion Industry, or perhaps their Tech company? Or maybe you mean their Farm?"

What is he talking about?

He surveys me from head to toe, appraising my appearance. Wearing a mini leather skirt and halter top, I can't help but feel somewhat self-conscious. "Ah, you must be referring to the Resort."

The bus halts in front of the grandest establishment I have ever laid eyes on. As I disembark, my jaw hangs agape. This entrance surpasses any grandeur I have ever witnessed. My gaze fixes upon the majestic water fountain standing proudly before me.

"Wow," I mutter in awe.

The mesmerizing architectural marvels on display at the main entrance are mind-boggling. I yearn to glimpse the interior of the resort, convinced it must possess a heavenly allure similar to its breathtaking entrance. The entire place exudes opulence, luxury beyond anything I have ever encountered. Having spent my entire life outside the city, what lies before my eyes surpasses all the beautiful places I have seen on television or in magazines.

How could I have remained oblivious to such splendor?

I doubt they would grant me entry. Judging by the luxurious cars pulling up to the resort and the impeccably dressed individuals, they would never allow me inside. I need a plan.

"For God's sake, you can't enter, Madam. This isn't a tourist destination." the security guard reiterates.

"I know, I know. You've said it a million times." I roll my eyes.

"Look, not just anyone can gain access here. It's strictly by reservation. That's how the Astors operate. Don't blame me, kid."

Kid? First, I'm not a kid. Second, I couldn't care less. I scoff.

Suddenly, a woman screams, causing the security guard's eyes to widen. He rushes past me immediately, and as I turn, I see him beside a heavily pregnant woman.

"Oh, my God, I think my water just broke."

I hasten towards them. "Ma'am, take slow, deep breaths. Please try to stay calm."

The pregnant woman complies, following my instructions. I help her to her feet, supporting her back and placing her hand around my neck.

"Please call 999." I request, addressing the security guard.

"I'm on it." he rushes into the resort, leaving me to assist the pregnant woman towards the gate. Three security guards emerge to assess the situation outside.

"Please, you must let us in. Her water broke. We need to get her inside while we wait for the ambulance." I implore them.

The security guards exchange glances. The tallest among them, a man in his late twenties, releases a heavy sigh before speaking.

"I'm sorry, but you're not allowed to enter."

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