9. Twirling into Love

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I've always been afraid of being heard. My sister, Ivory, is the only one I have in this world, but the things I've buried deep down inside, I never say them to her.


I don't know. Maybe I'm scared she'll see me differently. Or maybe I just prefer to go through my pains alone. I've always fought my battles alone. I love Ivory so much, but I wouldn't spill everything on my mind to her. The only person who knows everything about me is me.

No one would ever understand. At the top of the list, I've always wanted to taste freedom. If I told my sister, she'd probably feel terrible and think she's the reason I've never felt free. My sister has done more than enough for me. I think the one thing Ivory is yet to realize is that there is so much to her baby sister.

Even I know that much...

"You're looking as colorful as ever, Cindy Pliers," Cole says.

The look of disgust on Cindy's face is long gone the moment she saw Cole. She puts on a broad smile, a flirtatious look in her eyes.

That sly fox.

"Cole, good to finally see you. I've been looking everywhere for you." she says calmly.

Her eyes land on Cole's hand wrapped around my waist, and I catch a glimpse of that earlier disgust, but she masks it as if it was never there.

My God, my first attempt at socializing ended up making me an enemy.

"Right. Enjoy the party, Cindy." Cole says, almost dismissively.

He faces me, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Dance with me, Miss Miller?"

Suddenly, I feel so hot. I scoff, blurting out whatever comes to mind as I open my mouth to speak. "I don't dance."

Cole laughs, and he makes my heart skip a beat.

What is Cole Astor doing to me?

He pulls me closer, my chest colliding with his. He bends down, whispering in my ear. "I didn't know you were the shy type, Miss Miller."

My eyes meet Cindy's, and if looks could kill, I would be hammered to a cross by now.

Damn you, Cole Astor, for putting me on the spot.

He pulls back, his hand finding mine. My eyes drift to our hands and then back to his handsome face. He smiles, and I can feel my heart beating even faster.

This man...

He pulls me gently behind him, and the crowd parts, letting us through.

I suddenly feel at ease, like the calm after a terrible storm.

Am I in heaven?

Soft sounds of the piano play as Cole stops under a huge chandelier. The light dims, and he draws me close, his hands placing mine around his neck. He wraps his hands around my waist, and my lips part, a gasp escaping.

The piano plays softly, and we sway to the beautiful song.

My eyes remain fixed on his, and I wonder what thoughts are running through his mind.

I take a deep breath, feeling the music pulsate through my veins. The rhythm carries me, urging me to let go of inhibitions and embrace the moment. With each note of the piano, my heart races in anticipation.

My eyes flutter closed, envisioning myself as a graceful dancer on a grand stage. As the music swells, I spread my arms wide, as if embracing the world around me. My back dips, and Cole's gentle hands wrap tightly around my waist, holding me. My body sways in harmony with the melody, my feet moving with a gentle rhythm in sync with Cole's.

And then, ...


She twirls.

Her movements are fluid, almost ethereal, as she spins gracefully. Her arms gracefully extend outward, fingertips brushing the air as if tracing invisible patterns.

As she spins, I sense a wave of freedom washing over her. As if the worries and burdens of her world are fading away, leaving only the pure joy of the dance. Her giggles echo through the air, blending with the music, as she surrenders herself to the moment.

Her twirling continues, faster and faster, a whirlwind of motion and grace. The world around her becomes a blur as she loses herself in the dance. She looks and feels lighter, as if defying gravity itself.

I and the rest of the crowd watch in awe, my eyes fixed on her mesmerizing performance. I can't help but be captivated by her effortless elegance and the sheer joy radiating from her.

And then, in a final flourish, she gracefully comes to a stop. Her body poised, one leg extended, and her arms raised above her head, she holds the pose, basking in the exhilaration of the moment. Applause erupts, filling the air with thunderous claps and admiration.

She had twirled her way into their hearts, my heart, leaving an unforgettable memory of beauty and joy.

Damn, I think I've fallen in love with Treasure Miller.


Gasping for breath, I shut my eyes. A broad smile remains on my face as echoes of applause fill the hall.

I can't believe I did that.

My eyes find Cole amidst the crowd. He stands there, his eyes full of admiration, surprise, and something I can't quite fathom. His arms are folded across his chest, and the broadest smile I've ever seen him wear appears on his handsome face.

He walks towards me slowly, and with each step, my heart skips a beat. He stops in front of me, his hand seeking mine. He places a hand behind his back as he leans forward, bending down to plant a kiss on the back of my hand.

My heart pounds against my chest, and I can't tear my eyes away from this man. He gazes at me with a smile on his face. I curtsy, and he chuckles.

"You don't dance, huh?" he teases.

I cover my face with my hands, and I hear Cole laughing heartily.

"It's not called a hidden talent for nothing. It should remain hidden." I say, a shy smile playing on my lips.

Cole's hands find mine, and he draws me close. He does the unimaginable, planting a kiss on my cheek. I stand frozen, and he gathers me in a warm hug.

"You were amazing, Treasure." he says in almost a whisper.

My heart beats loudly against my chest, and I fear he might hear it.

"You amaze me."

His simple declaration leaves me speechless and frozen.

What is this?

Oh, fuck. I think I'm attracted to Cole Astor.

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