Chapter Two - Paranormal Activity

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"Do you want to ask questions, or do you want me to?" I asked as I held her hand in mine.

"Can you do it?" Betty pleaded, nervous to say anymore.

Agreeing, I announce, "If there are spirits in this room, please focus your energy on the Ouija board." After a few moments of silence, we stare at each other confused.

Suddenly, she exclaimed as her hands began to numb, "Baby, it's moving!"

"YES!" I responded as we both looked into each other's eyes.

"Is this your home?" I implored quietly as my voice echoed around the room.

Again, the answer is yes. This slowly freaked us out, although happy that we had finally caught something. It had been 30 minutes since we first sat down on the slowly rotting carpet when it started to become serious.

"Are you a child or a teenager?" I asked into the silent and pitch-black point room.

"Baby, I feel cold like a wave just hit me. Is it happening to you?" She mumbled with a slight shiver in her voice.

"Yeah, I have goosebumps everywhere now," I replied as we felt whatever answered yes was in the room.

Looking down once again, the piece moved to "yes."

A thermal camera pointed toward both of us began to pick up a small outline between Betty and me. I pointed to the camera staring at that very creepy occurrence.

"Can we stay here for the night? Two knocks for yes, one for no", I continued to speak, waiting for the eventual answer.

Staring into each other's eyes, two knocks suddenly can be heard directly behind me, causing a reaction of me shuffling closer to her and staring at the wall.

"Oh, my God! That scared the shit out of me", I expressed my fear, continuing to shake while simultaneously trying to calm down.

"Baby, let's go to sleep and wake up at 3 am to talk more," Betty suggested as we fell asleep, holding each other tightly. Hours pass as we lay in that house, with no disturbances or noises coming from anywhere.

"Beep... Beep..." the alarm went off slowly, waking us up as our eyes tried to adjust to the darkness.

Setting up the thermal camera and dim lights, we go for round two. We were sitting on opposite sides, putting one hand on the piece and holding each other with the other hand.

"Knock twice if you have been in this room the whole time," She spoke as we waited for a response.

Muffled knocks came again from behind me, but I did not jump this time, instead slightly smiling, knowing we hadn't lost what was here.

"Are you an evil spirit?" She asked in a quieter tone as they sat there tense, still tired from the lack of sleep.

"No." The piece moved, and we sighed in relief.

Yet again, the cameras pick up the outline between Betty and me.

"A child or a teenager, who are we talking to? What is your name?" I asked this time, shivering from the cold.

"Mary," it spelled as they both continued to hold the piece.

Once we hear the name, we stop asking questions and stare at each other in slight disbelief.

"Baby... did we just... It can't be the same, Mary." I breathed out, sitting there surprised, continuing to see the figure between us.

"Mary, are your parents Morgan and Hank Green?" Betty softly asked as the piece moved round and round in circles.

Getting faster, we continue to hold it until it flies and hits the dirty, peeling wall. Simultaneously freaking us out, I crawled over to her, embracing what made me feel safest.

"Mary, knock twice for yes, once for no," She uttered, holding me just as tight.

Mary listened and knocked twice as we both sat there baffled, deciding to try to calm her down.
"That is okay. We can bring you back to your parents; how does that sound? Would you like that, Mary?" I asked, seeing the outline sit down between us.

"Knock, knock." was heard again as I felt a frozen hand on my back, causing shivers to run down my spine.

Letting out a little chuckle, she asked, "Mary, are you hugging me right now?" As the outline merged into Betty. "Knock, knock," Mary responded as we sat there laughing but freezing as the impossible occurred.

"We found Mary, Bear. Do you know what this means?" I let out, still smiling from Mary's cold hug.


The chapter Continues on the next page!


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