Chapter Seven - Lasting Friendship

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Parking across from her town center apartment, we crossed one of our most famous streets. Ruins of what was considered a house dating back to Bearside's founding. Before even getting inside, Emma was waiting outside for us.

"Ems!" Lena shouted as they tightly hugged each other.

"Lena! Hey Barry and Kiki, Edward couldn't make it, so it's just us," Emma replied, hugging me.

"Oh, okay, that's fine! Lena and I want to talk to you once we are at the park," I replied as we began walking over.

Blossom park was beloved in the town, making it one of the most popular places. With acres of massive willow trees, wildlife-filled ponds, and snaking rivers, its natural beauty was unlike anything else. Rumor has it that ancestors who lived outside of Noidveer built their settlement throughout where Bearside is now. Most knew the history, one that was complicated at best. We wanted to find somewhere quiet with the willow trees dancing ahead of us. Luckily on the far side of the park was just the place.

"It's always so beautiful, isn't it?" Emma says, smiling.

"I know Lena is," I replied, as we all laughed.

"Thanks, love," she replied, holding me tighter.

Following the pebble footpath beside the calm river, we found the spot. A few willow trees that grew close together provided much shade, with the river in front of us. Sitting down first, Lena shuffled up between my legs as she leaned back. Lena and Emma had been best friends since they were very young. Acting more like they were sisters, she was one person Lena knew she could trust.

"How have you been, Ems? what made you want to hang out today?" Lena asked, smiling.

Crossing her legs, she pulled out her phone, saying, "It's been a bit since we three hung out, plus I got a new dog. Look at this. Its name is Oreo," Emma spoke, showing us photos.

"He is so cute, Ems; I'm jealous of you," Lena joked.

"That is the cutest dog ever, Emma," Said Kiki sitting beside her.

"Why don't you two get a dog? I've been wondering that for a while," she replied.

Pausing looked at me for a second, telling me it was time to tell Emma.

"Some events have happened... that we want to tell you, Kiki, we want to tell her," I said.

"But, are you sure? What if she gets hurt?" exclaimed Kiki, concerned.

"It's fine; she should know," I reassured.

"Did you propose, Barry?" Emma replied, puzzled.

"No, do you remember the young girl Mary who was kidnapped years ago?" I ask.

As I asked, the sun began to shine brighter as the clouds slowly moved away. While we saw a few fish jump out of the water, swimming downstream.

"Yeah, why are you talking about Mary? she replied, confused.

"We found her spirit, what happened to her, and maybe who hurt her. In that house left by that old couple, there was a room and, well... what was left of Mary's body. When we went yesterday, the figure jumped me and threw me against an old car. We also met with her parents and talked to them for a while." I explained.

Listening with a shocked expression on her face, only a short "huh?" was all Emma could say.

"We know it's not over; whoever it is is still out there and wants to hurt us probably. It would be best if you promised us that you wouldn't tell anyone. We wanted to because you like my sister." Lena said, readjusting how she was sitting.

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