The Jacksons & the Kravitzes visits Jaylynn in the hospital

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Thursday, April 30th, 2015. It was 9:00a.m. and two of Jaylynn's security guards found her hanging off the balcony by one of her bed sheets. She had wrapped the bed sheet around her throat tightly and slit her wrists, arms, and legs with deep cuts. She had already bled to death and she had done this six hours before her security guards came.

femalecop: 911, what's your emergency?

securityGuard #1 (panickingly): Help me, she's bleedin' everywhere! I can't stop it!

Beyoncé appeared up with Jay-Z.

Beyoncé: Oh my God, Jaylynn?!

They got beside her.

Cop: Sir, calm down, help is on the way. What happened?

Security Guard #1 (calming down): We just  found her like this. She was hangin' by her bed sheet and she's cut up almost everywhere. She was over the balcony bleedin' to death.

securityGuard #2 was trying to resuscitate Jaylynn.

Beyoncé (crying hysterically): She's not breathin', she's not breathin'!                           

securityGuard #2: Come on, Jaylynn, come on.

Jaylynn wasn't moving at all and her eyes were closed. A few minutes later, Jaylynn was being put in the back of the ambulance slowly and a male cop with blue latex gloves on took the steak knife out of her bloody right hand slowly stained with her blood.

A few hours later, the Jackson family and the Kravitz family showed up at the hospital and a doctor walked towards them. Everybody stood up and looked at the doctor.

Doctor: Hi, I'm Dr. Hernando Sanchez, I'm one of the doctors that was operatin' on Jaylynn Kravitz-Jackson, are you her family?

Lenny Kravitz: Yes, is everything gonna be okay? I'm her father.

Dr. Hernando: Jaylynn was already dead whenever she was found. She lost a lot of blood, but thankfully, God was on her side. She's still in ICU, and we're movin' her into another room. We're givin' her more blood and we're keepin' all sharp objects away from her. Do you know why she would do somethin' like this? I mean, besides losin' her very first child.

Janet: Losin' my brother, but Jaylynn never had a miscarriage.

Dr. Hernando took off his bloody gloves. He threw them in the trash and took out Jaylynn's hospital record. He gave it to Janet and she took it from him. The rest of them looked at it along with her.

Dr. Hernando: June 25th, 2009, the day that Michael Jackson died, his newborn baby girl, Elyssa Janet Amerie Glafira Jackson died, too, same date, same time. So, she dealt with two deaths that day.

Joe Jackson: Dr. Hernando, we haven't seen my daughter-in-law in six years. After the trial against Conrad Murray, and Michael's funeral, she disappeared off the face of the earth.

Katherine: How deep are the cuts, Dr. Hernando?

Dr. Hernando: Deep enough to drain her whole entire body of blood. You can go see her, now.

He walked away. They went into Jaylynn's hospital room and got beside her. Jaylynn had a blank look on her face, and she had a breathing tube in her nose, and in her mouth to help her breathe. Beyoncé had Jaylynn's blood on her hands and dress while she was crying softly.

Paris (shaking Jaylynn's head a little bit): Jaylynn, wake up, please, wake up.

Jaylynn: I knew what I was doin'. Why am I not dead, yet?

She looked at Katherine.

Katherine: You died at the house, but they had revived you. Jaylynn, stop it, please. I've lost my son, I don't wanna lose you, too.

Jaylynn: I don't want any of you cryin' over me. Don't feel sorry for me, at least, I knew what I was doin'. I don't care about my life anymore.

Jackie: Well, we do.

Zoe: This isn't you, Jaylynn. You used to be fun, carin', lovin', fearless. What happened to you?

Jaylynn (looking at Zoe Kravitz): Conrad Murray, he took everything from me, from the Jackson family, from the world! I lost two people that day, Zoe, two! Mr. and Mrs. Jackson lost their son, Janet lost her brother, his kids lost their father, the world lost a legend, and what did I lose?! I lost my husband and my only child, but it's all good for you, and everybody else, right?! Double my pain, double his pleasure, you don't know what it's like to lose one or more people in your life.

Zoe: Yes, I do know what it's like to lose someone. I lost you, today. We lost you, today, and what's worse is that you were killin' yourself over a man, and your very first child. Do you know how that sounds to everybody? It sounds stupid, Jaylynn. You don't care if people mourn over you or not.

Jaylynn: You're right, Zoe, I don't. I committed suicide, so what, my life is miserable. I'm never gonna be the same again, and I'm not gonna sit here, and listen to you say that this family needs me. Well, that's a lie because they don't. They need Michael.

Rebbie: We want both of you, Jaylynn.

Joe: Michael wouldn't want this, Jaylynn.

Lenny: It pains me to see you like this, Lynna.

Jermaine: It pains all of us to see you like this, Lynn.

She looked at them. She looked out the window and let out a sigh softly.

Jaylynn: I need some more rest.

Prince: Will we see you again whenever you get out?

Jaylynn (getting out of bed slowly): Maybe.

She went into the bathroom. She closed and locked the door behind her.

Kravitz family and Jackson family (in unison): We love you, Jaylynn.

They left her hospital room.

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