Chapter One

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No flames please, but constructive criticism is great! Please correct any grammatical or factual errors. Enjoy!

Disclaimer for whole story: I own nothing you recognize.


Albus Dumbledore was one hundred and eleven years old. He did not get surprised very easily.

But learning that Lord Voldemort, the pale, red eyed man with no nose, had been able to attract someone enough that they wanted to have sex with him was enough to make even his eyes widen with shock.

However, learning that that person was Bellatrix Lestrange made the idea much more sensical. The woman had always had a fanatical obsession with the Dark Lord.

"Thank you for contacting me, Madam Bones," Dumbledore said, spreading the papers across the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement's desk. There were three letters beneath his fingers, correspondence between Voldemort and his apparent lover, although the relationship was probably more along the lines of master and servant.

The first read:

My Lord,

The child is a squib. What should I do with it?

Bellatrix Lestrange

The second, in reply to the first:

Get rid of it, but don't kill it. It may prove useful later.


Of course, my Lord. It is at Wool's Orphanage, as you have ordered.

"Dumbledore," Amelia Bones whispered, "a child. How will we deal with this information?"

The professor didn't answer. Wool's Orphanage was the one that Tom Riddle had been at when Dumbledore had met him. He had learned many things over his lifetime, and one was that coincidences very rarely existed.

Madam Bones started muttering to herself, worried about the implications of this new discovery. The child was around thirty years old by then, able to join the remnants of the Death Eaters after their leader's... death? Disappearance?- twelve years ago.

"I will go to the orphanage," Dumbledore answered abruptly. "There will be records there, and from their information, we will create a plan."

Amelia nodded slowly. "Yes, that makes sense. When will you be going, Dumbledore?" She looked up from the papers, blinking as she realised that the professor was no longer there. "Dumbledore?"

She shook her head. Eccentric old man.


Dumbledore appeared in front of a decrepit orphanage. He walked past the old, rusty gates and entered inside, locating the office with a bit of effort. Inside sat a woman who was taking a swig from a water bottle that was obviously not filled with water.

"Who the hell are you?" she rasped, giving the Auror a disgruntled look. "How'd you get in here?"

Dumbledore raised a thin, white eyebrow, gazing at the woman coolly. Her breath reeked of alcohol and cigarette smoke. He looked into the woman's beady eyes, scanning her surface- most memories, such as one of her signing papers. "Ms. Cole" he said, using the name that was on the paper in the memory, "I'd like to look at your old records. Where do you keep them?"

"Why the hell would I do that?" she sneered.

Dumbledore raised his wand in the air. The woman sneered at it, eying it warily. "What's that?" she asked, "Some kind of long-ass pipe? What kind of shit do you smoke with that?"

The professor ignored her. "Confundo." The owner of the orphanage shuddered, and her eyes became foggy. "Show me any records that have to do with the name Riddle."

She slowly opened his file cabinet and pulled out a fat folder labelled with the name he asked for. Dumbledore took it from her, then said, "I will be taking these, although I was never here and it's not odd that these files are missing."

The woman nodded woozily and Dumbledore weighed the heavy file in his hand. He would want a second opinion on what he found in these folders. He had faith that his two most trusted colleagues would have insights on this dilemma.

When he returned back to his office at Hogwarts, he wrote a letter to both Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape. "Fawkes," he called. The fiery bird swooped in through an open window. "For the two of them, please."

The two professors arrived quickly: Severus, swooping in with his cape flowing behind him, and Minerva, striding briskly into the room, mid-conversation.

"I'm still missing vital ingredients from my storage cabinet after that Potter boy stole them! And still, you place no consequences on the boy-"

"Oh, I'm sure you'd enjoy punishing him, maybe making him collect a few of those ingredients from dangerous creatures! Well, I'll have you know, Severus-"

"I would like your opinion on these files," Dumbledore interrupted. "Read them with me, if you would?"

He opened the folder and laid it out on the desk. The two teachers stopped arguing and came over to the table, sending glares at each other. The first few files were about Tom Marvolo Riddle. Albus saw descriptions of "charming boy" alongside descriptions of "terrifies the other children" and "looks like he could kill you with a glare."

The next files were on a Sally Riddle. There were whispers of excitement among the three: They had found her! It seemed like she was named Sally after being found on the doorstep by one of the older kids there, who really liked the name and refused to call her by any other name. The name Riddle on a notecard was the only thing that she was found with. She was described as a "sweet girl" who "liked everybody and everybody liked her." She was adopted by Laura and Jim Jackson when she turned nine.

The handwriting changed in the next files. It's more jagged and less neat, and there were cigarette burns and stains that smell suspiciously of alcohol. They're signed by a Mallory Cole instead of Amelda Cole, indicating a change of ownership over the orphanage. And the files were on a Perseus Jackson Riddle.

"A grandchild," Minerva whispered. "He came to the orphanage when he was twelve, which means that Sally Riddle died or was otherwise unable to take care of Perseus. He's going to turn thirteen in about a month."

"And look here," Snape added on. "He's a loner and some of the children hate him and some of them worship him. Seems like he's very similar to the Dark Lord, unlike his mother."

The three teachers exchanged wary looks. No one wanted a new Voldemort.

Dumbledore nodded. "Seems like I'll be paying the orphanage another visit."

Hope you enjoy my new fic!



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