Chapter Four

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The Boy Who Lived thought that accidentally blowing up his aunt might have been the best thing he had ever done.

Harry was very much enjoying his time in Diagon Alley. He was doing his homework without hiding under the covers- in fact, for the first time ever, he was getting help from older wizards on his summer homework. Florean Fortescue was particularly helpful, as he knew quite a bit about witch burnings, and he also gave Harry a free ice cream sundae every half an hour.

You know, to keep up his energy.

On August first, a month before the first day of school, Harry finally mustered up enough going-back-to-school spirit to actually go supplies shopping.

He looked down at the list that Professor McGonagall had sent along with his still unsigned Hogsmeade form. The list read:

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3 by Miranda Goshawk

Unfogging the Future by Cassandra Vablatsky

Intermediate Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

The Monster Book of Monsters

The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts by Arsenius Jigger

Well, it seemed like there was no new supplies besides books. Seems like Flourish and Blotts was the most obvious place to go.

Harry located the shop with minimal struggle, even though the book store hadn't exactly been his most visited destination. He had found every book on his list except The Monster Book of Monsters when suddenly he saw an old man with a long white beard.

"Professor Dumbledore!" he cried out, shocked.

The headmaster turned around, smiling pleasantly at the boy. "Oh hello, Harry. Just now starting your school shopping?"

Harry blushed, a bit embarrassed. "Yes, sir. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, just bringing young Percy shopping for supplies, like you. Would you mind showing him around?"

"Percy Weasley?" Harry asked. He would have thought that the Head Boy bought his supplies about a year before the next school year started.

"No," Dumbledore said, stepping back. "Perseus Jackson."

The boy who was behind the headmaster scowled up at him. "My name is Percy! Dear gods, I've told you this like, five times!"

"Ah, yes. I apologise. Since I was introducing you to someone new, I thought it would be appropriate to use your full name."

Perseus- Percy?- rolled his oddly green eyes and walked up to the other boy, sticking out his hand. "I'm Percy. Who're you?"

Harry blinked. It was rare that he met someone in the wizarding world who didn't already know his name. It felt refreshing. "I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

Percy's eyes narrowed. "I heard someone talking about you when I was buying my giant metal pot."

Harry felt a bit off-kilter. "Sorry- Did you just call a cauldron a giant metal pot?"

Percy brightened. "Oh yeah! That's what it's called. Sorry, why did I hear your name again?"

Harry sighed. "I'm kind of... well known around here."

Percy looked him up and down, then nodded. "That sucks. Sorry, man."

What sort of answer was that? Harry had never heard anyone respond to knowing that he was famous in such a- an empathetic and correct way. Normally people thought it was cool, but this boy who he had just learned the name of had sized him up perfectly.

Wait... Had Dumbledore said that Percy was going to be new this year?

"Percy," Harry said slowly, "why are you just joining Hogwarts if you're my age?"

Percy's smile flickered and died. "I don't think he knew I existed until recently. And I have nowhere better to be, so might as well come here." He grinned weakly. "And Dumbledore just keeps disappearing whenever it's convenient." He points behind him, where the headmaster is indeed gone. "Guess he wants you to show me around?"

Harry grinned back, trying to cheer Percy up. "Guess so. Have you gotten all your books yet?"

Percy scanned his list quickly. "Yeah... seems like the only thing I have left is a- a wand." He looked up, his eyes sparkling again. "This is so cool."

"So you already got a pet, then?" Harry asked.

Percy smirked, nodding. He shook his arm and said, "Blackjack, come say hi!"

A black shape twined down his wrist out of his sleeve. A shiny snake flicked its tongue at Harry, seeming to wink at him.

"This is Blackjack," Percy explained. "He's my friend, and he gets jealous, so I'm not getting any more pets. He'd probably eat them."

Hey! said the snake. I'm never jealous!

Harry was about to ask Percy why his snake disagreed when Percy raised an eyebrow at him. "You ate a rat because I gave it cheese a couple days ago."

It was my cheese, the snake hissed indignantly. You aren't supposed to give my food to other random animals.

Harry stared at Percy, in shock. "You're a Parselmouth?"

Percy looked at him blankly. "What did you just call me?"

The Boy Who Lived faltered. "A Parselmouth- you can speak to snakes?"

"Well, Blackjack's the only one I've ever talked to, so maybe? Or he could be special."

Harry shook his head, exasperated by this kid's strangeness. "Let's just go get you a wand, shall we?"

Percy smiled, his eyes sparkling. "Yes! I've been waiting for this all day! Dumbledore said I wasn't allowed to get my wand until I got all my other stuff, but I did, so let's go!"

Harry managed to slow Percy down enough to grab a copy of The Monster Book of Monsters and pay for his other textbooks, but he did end up leaving Flourish and Blotts dragged by the arm. He eventually ended up walking next to Percy, after the boy realised that he didn't know where he was going.

Percy and Harry's chatter died down as they made their way towards Ollivander's. Harry could feel the frenetic energy from the boy next to him die down a little, and Percy seemed to straighten up, his eyes narrowing as they scanned the streets warily.

Harry nudged the taller boy. "You alright, mate?"

"It feels weird here," Percy answered. "I don't like it."

There was an uncomfortable silence until they reached the old, dusty shop. Harry pushed the door open, and the other boy waited for Harry to enter before cautiously sliding into the shop.

"Hello?" Harry called out. "Mr. Ollivander?"

There was no reply.

He smiled nervously at Percy. "He's a little odd, sometimes. He's definitely here, though."

"Yes, I am here," a thin whispery voice said. A ladder slid out from behind a large shelf stuffed with long boxes. "Perseus Jackson Riddle," Ollivander said, staring at the sea-green eyed boy curiously. "I've been expecting you."



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