Liza Edwards.

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Chapter names will first be all the characters. Nothing to do with the actual story.
Chapter One. Liza Edwards.
It was like any normal day. Laundry, eat breakfast, work, clean, shower, eat dinner, sleep. One huge cycle each and every day.

I usually skip everything and hang out with my only and truly best friend, Minx. He's a pretty awesome guy once you get to know him.

Yeah.. Minx and I have been here at the orphanage for I don't know how long. We hide under my bed before everyone wakes up just so that we won't do work around there.

"Hey Liza!" Minx said, as he came into my room and flopped on the bed with me.

"Hey Minx. Time to hide?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" he said. Minx is a pretty hyper guy. He has four tattoos and a nose piercing.

We have the same kind of band interest. Green day, My Chemical Romance, Anthrax. Stuff like that. Rock, screamo, punk... Anything really.

Anyways, we both got up from the bed and went underneath. We slid until our feet reached the wall. We cuddled up under the bed and stayed still. The mean lady, Mrs. Sunny, came inside the room and then soon left. Ha! Stupid.

An announcement came on the intercom.

Attention ladies and gentleman. We have two men here to see if YOU will get adopted! Good luck to all!

Then the mic went dead.

"ADOPTION DAY!!!!" I yelled, I then ran from under the bed and put on my My Chemical Romance shirt, 'Ride it like you stole it', and put black skinny jeans on. I ran to the bathroom and did my eyeliner and straightened my dyed light and dark blue hair. I smudged under and over my eye. Perfect. I put on my My Chem beanie then i was ready. Minx didn't really try.

Minx had black longish hair. It was straightened so it made it longer. His hair was all messed up this morning.

"Make an effort Minx!" I said, coming out of the bathroom.

"No one wants me Liza." Minx said sadly.

"No one wants me either. But still, at least give it a try." I replied.

He agreed and went to my room. I sat on my bed then the door opened.

"Hi there." a voice said. I know that voice. I looked up and Gerard Way was standing there! Right in front of me! Oh my god!!

"H-Hi G-Gerard.." I said, studdering.

"You a fan?" he asked pointing to my wall, shirt, and beanie. Not to meantion, their song Vampire Money blasting on the radio.

I nodded. He called Frank inside my bedroom. Frank walked in and smirked as he saw how I looked and what he heard.

"No need to look for anyone else! She's perfect!" Frank said.

"Agreed." Gerard said afterwards. We all started packing my stuff and taking my posters down.

"Can I go say goodbye to my friend before we leave?" i asked softly.

"Course hunny. Go a head. We'll wait outside at the van." Gerard replied, grabbing my bags and leaving to the van.

I walked into Minx's room and he was sitting on his bed.

"Minx?" i asked and he looked up.

"Hey Liza." he replied.

"I got adopted by Gerard Way and Frank Iero!" i yelled and his eyes got big.

"Holy crap!! Thats so cool!!" Minx said.

"Im afraid that I'm leaving right now though," I said looking down sadly.

"Hey, It's okay, We can text, skype, and call anytime.. Everyday."

"Promise?" i said, looking into his dark eyes.

"I promise." he replied, looking into my blue eyes.

I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Liza, time to go," Frank said, putting a shoulder on my hand. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Bye Minx."

"Bye Liza." he replied. He waved to me as Frank and I walked out of the orphanage and into the car.

This is a brand new start to my life.

"Liza, wanna listen to Green Day?" Frank asked.

"Hell yeah!!" i said. He gave out his manly giggle and put them on.

"You ready?" Gerard asked.

"For what?"

"To meet My Chemical Romance?"


"Language," Frank said smiling.

This family will. Be. Amazing.

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