Minx Zachary

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Picture of Minx at the top!!

We arrived after a few minutes of driving to the Way family household. I'm guessing they aren't touring for a while, so they're all at Mikey and Gerard's house.

"You ready to meet the guys?" Frank asked me, looking through the rear view mirror.

"Hell yes!" i exclaimed.

"Language again!" Gerard said, looking at me raising an eyebrow.

I mumbled sorry then saw the house approaching.

I started jumping around in my seat. The car turned off and I got out, waiting for Frankand Gerard to get out as well. Frank locked arms with me and ran. We ran inside the house leaving Gerard with my bags.

"Guys!" Frank yelled. Mikey, Ray, and Bob came from the kitchen.

"That's who you adopted?" bob asked, Frank nodded.

"AWESOME!!!" They all said.

"What's your name?" Mikey asked.

"Liza Edwards." I replied.

"I thought Gerard was gonna-" Bob started, getting cut off.

"Shh!! Surprise!" Frank hissed.

"I brought your stuff here Liza!" Gerard yelled, I thanked him and asked where to put them.

"Down the hall, second door on the left. You'll share with Frank." Gerard replied.

"Cool!" Frank said, fist pumping, getting even more excited.

"Frank. No ideas. Shes my daughter," Gerard said, raising and eyebrow at Frank.

"She's practically my daughter too!!" Frank argued.

"No. Shes not."

"Fineeee," Frank gave up.

Frank showed me the room then closed the door. I turned around to face him.

"Liza, do you really want me as a dad?" he asked me, coming closer.

I shook my head in response.

"Then, what do you want me to be?" he asked, now a few feet away.

I shrugged. Frank was always ny favorite from My Chem. More maybe?

"Well, if you want to go out, I'd be glad because your smart, kind, and obviously beautiful. But, Gerard can't know and we will get to know eachother. Sound like a plan?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, we can go to the mall and get to know eachother there," i replied, looking at him.

How'd he get so close so fast?

"Yeah," Frank said softly, wrapping his arm around my waist and bringing me closer, "I'd like that."

I leaned my forehead on his; soon our lips met. They were like.. Made... For eachother.. If that makes sense? Our lips moved in perfect sync.

Someone knocked on the door.

We got away fast.

I ran to my bags to look like i was unpacking. Frank opened the door.


"Hey Gee!" i said.

"Hey honey. You and Frank want to go somewhere right now?" he asked, looking at me and Frank.

Me and Frank exchanged looks and we both nodded.

Gerard smiled.

"Ok.. Here's some cash.. Be back soon." he said.

Me and Frank went to the car and got inside, him driving and me in the passenger seat. He grabbed my hand and we held hands all the way over there.

"You ready for the mall?" he asked.

"Always!" i replied happily.


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