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(Merry go round of life by Joe Hisashi plays in the background)
Saturday/20/4/20XX 3:05PM UK-LONDON
Outside the city is completely full of black clouds with the sounds of rain and homes with family groups in them.As the girl wearing a coat dress with a backpack holding an umbrella named Helena steps out of bus and walk into a coffee shop signs 'Open' with cozy,classical jazz,piano and violin music and beautiful flowers outside called 'Café Leziltia'

Helena walks in a distant gate and saw 3 people notice the doorbell ringing,turning her back while sitting at the table : the café manager,her waitress and the female customer.

Two girls who wears black uniform suits named Cher and Leziltia are the owner of the cafe thanks to Lez's family helping Cher and the amount of his money.

The other wearing their casual clothes named Lilas and all of them are Helena's best childhood friends at the beginning of the primary school.

"Yo Helena wassup,wanna eat with us for today?" Leziltia said while waving his hand to her.

Helena blinks as she sits,placing her backpack and say:"Sure,it's fine with me."

"Alright,what do you like to order?" Cher asked,holding her menu with her notepad.

"I'll have a sandwich in a bread bowl,a cup of herbal tea,a strawberry fruit candy and lychee non-alcoholic mojito."

"Ohhhh awesome taste Helena!What about you Sera?" Leziltia gave her menu to Lilas,calling her nickname.

"Same as you,i will have a cheese toast sandwich,cherry fruit flavored tea,a small cup of mint tea and a lychee non-alcoholic drink."

"Coming right up!" Cher said,making a bowl of sandwich and started running away in the kitchen.

"Oh boy...she's fast.Well i gotta go help Cher for your meal,i let you two have a free chit-chat!" Leziltia got up ran into the kitchen,leaving Helena and Lilas alone.

"So's school been?" Helena said as she open up,lookinf her social media in her smartphone.

"'s the worst!" Lilas answered painfully.

"Wait,what?Did they do something worse to you?" Helena got shocked,waiting for her to explain.

" i said...they did nothing but then they keep picking on me every other day they do like calling me for trying to do PE during gym school hours and try to make fun of me by making me run with heavy hard shoes." Her voice still remains as chirpy as she was when Lilas told her of that incident. "What about yours,Helena?"

"Same as yours but i must say you're way more popular than me.Everybody likes you and your name can be put on more than one text/email service."

"I always knew,this is the secret Helena..." Lilas said.

"You won't believe it Lilas but-"

"I'm warning you Helena!" Lilas cut her off,looking at her eyes in a serious way.She didn't want her feeling sad.

"...ok,i won't believe it.But maybe because i'm just not the coolest person you know?" Helena said putting her hand to her forehead but Lilas took her hands and hold it tightly.

"No!You're the one of the coolest person i ever met alongside with our friend group like Cher and Lez too!You're also perfect in my eyes,the kindest person I've ever met."


"Yeah,you are!But let's not say anything hurtful to them,they might feel guilty and not wanting our healthy friendship to become broken apart.I promise you it won't happen."

"Hey uh...are you two gonna eat your meal?We already done here." Leziltia said as he and Cher holding their meals they ordered earlier,almost jumpscaring both of then.

"Holy Jesus Christ you almost scaring me!"Helena said nervously.

"What?"She asked,noticing her movement.

"We already here and your meal is here too!" Cher added.


"And before you think you're a horrible friend Helena,that was all of your meal i bought!" Cher added again.

"Of course Cher's right!Your favorite fruit is strawberry right?Just don't forget it doesn't matter if one of our friends having their own weakest moments,we will always be there and bring more happiness like the perfect friend group together forever.Am i right guys?" Leziltia said.

"'s always the fourth person is the odd one out again,huh?" Cher said,poking at her cheek,making him angry.

"Hey! I was bringing more positive stuff you know?" Leziltia getting the hint of being poked.

"Oh yeah,that's why i don't like to call myself a leader even though i act like a leader myself here!" Cher replied.

"Sorry we won't get this far just by thinking and keeping silent."Lilas said as she looked at her friends while holding Helena's hands.

"Let's forget that situation and eat your meal,it's getting cold fast!"

"You're so right,we'll do anything if it helps out friendship to feel better.Also thank you guys for moral supporting me."Helena smile while 3 of them looked at her,sighs in disbelief.
Leziltia and Cher placing their meal as Lilas and Helena grabbing the spoon,fork and knife,eating the meal they ordered.

"Anyway,i don't know what I'd do without you guys." Helena said while eating.

"You're too nice to be a saint...but as a brunette angel?Hmm...I'll give it a shot." Cher replied sarcastically.

'Damn,sassy Cher moment huh?' Leziltia thought.

"You too seem to be really interested in Helena's hair style..." Lilas said.

"Hey don't laugh.It's not as simple as it looks! I can go for like one more day." She said as her hair is hiding at her back but the band is also covering the side of her head in a way.

"Yeah the fullness is falling in your eyes,it's so pretty~ I can say that,what about the ponytail?Do you like that too?" Cher said.

"Are you guys watching a porno?What do yo mean by that?I don't even have a single hair left in my head!" Helena asked.

Eh,not really." Leziltia replied,crossing his arms.

"Also what should we do for now?"

The next morning...


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