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Jungkook's POV

"I thought you wouldn't want to talk to me again.", I say as I answered the call from Taehyung with a little smile on my face.

He sighs before replying, "Jungkook, listen. I'm sorry for my behaviour. I shouldn't have been mad over you for something uncle decided. I was too stupid to think that I'll be chosen-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...Tae, relax. I don't need a long ass explanation from you. It's alright, bro. I understand. If I were you, I'd probably act the same way you did. You know uncle longer than me, of course you'll be disappointed knowing you are not the one assigned to this case.", I tell him.

He chuckles, "Yeah but it's stupid of me. I just knew Uncle Park two years longer than you and I acted like it's a big deal that he chose you over me."

I smile, thinking how he finally got the courage to talk to me again.

"Did Jin hyung lashed at you to call me?", I ask while laughing.

He whines annoyedly in return.

"Even if he or Joon hyung didn't tell me, I still want to call you, Jungkook. We're brothers, aren't we? It's weird to argue over a girl, you know?"

I nod in agreement.

Three months ago when Namjoon told us that I am assigned to be Chaeyoung's personal bodyguard, Taehyung was mad about it. Both of us always heard from Uncle Park about his little angel a.k.a his daughter, Park Chaeyoung. We never met her and always argued that one of us should see her and try to win her heart. It was a silly teenage boys argument actually.

"And I'm calling not to just say sorry and maintain our brotherhood, I'm actually calling to say that although I didn't see Chaeyoung with my eyes, I actually enjoyed talking with her on the phone.", he adds.

I frown, "Why? What did she tell her 'dad' on the phone?"

Taehyung chuckles at how I emphasised the word 'dad' to him.

"A lot. She really is like what uncle said. She likes to share random stories to him, Jungkook. And recently, she told me something that I felt familiar with.", he tells me.

"What? Did she tell you I made her ankle sprained during hiking?", I ask.

"Nope. Wait, did she sprained her ankle because of you?", he replies.

I slap my mouth at the slip of information, "Ah...so she really didn't tell you why she sprained her ankle.."

"Yah, what did you do to her?"

"Tae, it's nothing. She's recovered now and you shouldn't bring it up if she talk about it with you, okay?", I try to stop the topic. "Anyway, what is it that she told you recently? You want to tell me about that, right?", I hope he changes the topic now.

"Yeah, I want to tell you about what she said to me. It's about her dream recently.", he says.

I think I know what it is about but I still want to ask like I know nothing of it, "Her dream?"

"Yeah, she told me that she dreams about Junjun recently and I acted like the old man I am. I asked her who Junjun is because I forgot who that is to her. Then, she told me that Junjun was her friend at Haelim Preschool. Her boyfriend as Uncle Kim used to say to her. I got curious so she talked about him a little more. She said that she only knew Junjun for two weeks because the next Monday she went to the park, Junjun wasn't there anymore. She waited for him even when Uncle Kim already arrived to pick her up. She said she even cried for a whole one week because she couldn't play with him again. I asked why she felt so close to him even just knowing him for a short while. You know what her answer is, Kook?"

I find it hard to speak. She waited for me, huh?

"Kook, are you there?", Taehyung's voice brings me back to reality.

"Yeah, um...what were you saying?"

"I ask you, do you know what her answer to my question?", he repeats.

"Oh, I don't know.", I really don't and I want to know the answer too.

"She said Junjun is a good friend. He doesn't talk much but he's a nice boy. He prefers to use his hand to communicate and use his face to express his feelings. She even told me that he taught her a secret handshake. Even though I can't see her on the phone, I asked her to describe how it's done.", he pauses, as if waiting for me to give any reaction before he continues. "The handshake starts with slapping your hands sideways, go to fist bump, push each others' fists down and fist bump again while touching thumbs. Lastly pull each other into a hug before waving goodbye.", I cannot believe she remembers all that.



"You're Junjun, right?", Taehyung asks.

There is no way I can deny it.

"The secret handshake you taught me, you taught her too.", he says. "And there's no way you can deny the fact that you don't talk much back then. You had speech delay when you came to the academy, Jungkook.", he adds.

"Yes, Tae. I'm Junjun, the stuttering boy she befriended for two weeks.", I admit it.

Taehyung claps his hands, "I knew it! But...Chaeyoung doesn't know that you're Junjun, is it?"

I shake my head, "No, she doesn't seem to recognise me as Junjun. It's almost like 20 years ago, it's natural that she doesn't see the resemblance."

"Gosh...so you, Jungkook have actually met her before me. Wow, unbelievable!", Taehyung reacts excitedly.

I suppress my laugh, "Unbelievable, right? I didn't even believe it's her too until I see her childhood photo wearing her school uniform."

"Now I believe in destiny and now I know why uncle chose you to be with her.", Taehyung says.

"What do you mean?"

"It's destiny. You are destined to be with her.", Taehyung replies.

I laugh, "Nonsense."

"No, it's not. You know I would ask her about how well you have been taking care of her, right? And you know what she said after she told me everything you did for her?", he asks.


"She said that maybe she has a crush on you.", he reveals.

She said what?

"Jungkook, are you still there, bro?"

"Mr Jeon!", the knock on the door startles me.

"Um, Tae. I have to go. Chaeyoung's calling for me.", I say to Taehyung.

Before he can say anything else, I hang up and look at the mirror for a moment.

"Shit, am I blushing?", I slap my left cheek.

"Mr Jeon, let's go. We don't want to be late on our last day.", Chaeyoung says from outside.

I clear my throat before running to the door, "Sorry. I was in the toilet."

She looks at my face before looking down to my hand.

"I've washed my hands. Let's go.", I take her hand and lead the way without looking at her face.


I changed the elementary to preschool because I just realized I got it wrong for their age in chapter 15.

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