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Chaeyoung's POV

I should have not agree when Jungkook asked me to watch this movie with him. I should have checked the plot thoroughly before we snuggle up in front of the TV. I should have known why he insisted that he wants to watch it with me on this fine Sunday night.

I thought it was just a mere action movie where the main character is a skilled hitman plotting a revenge on those who caused his wife's death. I did not think the protagonist had a bad childhood similar to Jungkook's experience. I wished I had argued more before we watched it an hour ago.

"Jungkook...", I call his name when I hear how he is having trouble to breath behind me.

We are now watching a scene of a flashback to the protagonist's childhood. Even if it just coming to the screen in few seconds, I know how the sound of cries and belt whipped to the body affects him. I want to cover his eyes if he does not hold my hands so tight.

"Jungkook, are you okay?", I shake his hand a little.

I cannot see his face at the moment as I am lying on his lap as he wraps his arms around me. I am sure he does not want me to see his face too. At least, not at the moment.

"I'm fine.", he speaks as he takes my hand and kisses the back of it as we continue watching the movie.

To be honest, the genre of the movie we are watching is not my favourite. I am just here to be with him, trying to learn what he likes and all. I have told him that I want to know him better so he should open up a little more with me.

When the movie ends, I turn around and look at Jungkook's face quietly. He has been quiet since the scene that affected him. He smiles when I cup his face and kiss his lips.

"You okay?", I ask after that.

Jungkook pats the space beside him and asks me to sit there.

"I'm okay now.", he tells me as I sit down.

"You weren't okay...when that scene was on the screen.", I say as I take his arm and put my head on his shoulder. "I know you don't feel good watching such things.", I add as I hold his arm firmly.

"Mhmm, that's why I needed you here with me.", Jungkook replies. "I don't tell people but...I want to tell you."

I look up at him, "Tell me what?"

"I have PTSD.", he reveals.

"Is it because-"

"Yeah, because of the abuse.", he nods.

"Just like in the movie?", I ask even though I can guess that it is right.

"It's even more...worse than that, I can say.", he tells me.

I feel sad just from hearing it. If what the scene from the movie was just a little, I wonder how much Jungkook has suffered back then?

"I almost died."

"No..", I hold his arm tighter.

"That man abused me and my mom. We couldn't fight him and I was so young, so small. I couldn't help my mom, I didn't even know what toxic relationship is, I just cried...everytime he whipped me, hit my mom, I just cried...I couldn't do anything because my mom loved him. Until one day my mom left me forever..", Jungkook stops.

I am already crying quietly. I do not know if he is crying too.

"He killed her and that was the first time I fought him.", he chuckles before continuing. "I still remember I threw the empty bottle he drank to his head. And then, he grabbed me and threw me to the wall like a garbage. I was weak, I couldn't fight him. He beat me up, he whipped me with his belt until I fainted.", he wipes my tears before smiling a little. "I was lucky enough someone found me and brought me to the hospital.", he says as he takes hand and holds it gently.

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