
386 9 69

I feel so bad for one part...
Sensitive Content Warning.
You have been warned.


Ghost yawned and rolled around in bed. He sat up and turned to his partner, who was working at 04:32.
He groaned and rolled out of bed, hitting his rib on the metal rack that held his bed. He yawned and limped up to his partner, inspecting his project with curious eyes.

Yeta had installed a special feature on his recently built gauntlet. Yeta leaned back in his stool, falling out of his seat as it had no back railing.
"AH- SHIT-" He hit the ground with a thud, landing with his feet still in the stool and his back on the ground. He sighed and pulled himself up, dusting off his shoulders and running a hand through his dyed white hair.

Yeta had decided to dye his hair white to go with a theme. Everyone shrugged it off and just thought it was hot. Ghost thought he looked like an old man, though.

"What... this?" Ghost pointed to the gauntlet as it had nothing to insert his hand in.
"A new little weapon I made... however... I just have the aching feeling that- I'm going to lose my arm... That scares me- and so, while I can, I might as well help prepare." He rubbed his arm nervously while chuckling. Ghost sighed and turned off the lamp he was using before laying back in bed again.

He passed by the mirror as he did and blushed. He was wearing a pair of pajamas Blake had given him because the only outfit they had was the pilot ones. Ghost's embarrassment turned into happiness as he curled up in bed, closing the bed sheet curtains he had around his bed. He rolled over and let out a quiet maniacal giggle.
He was staring at an image of Blake, with a heart of blood around it. Ghost ran his finger along the face of his lover and sighed in bliss. He closed his eyes, the image embedded into his brain, and went to sleep for two hours.


Ghost shot out of bed and to the door when he heard a knock, only to let out a sigh of disappointment as it was Ruby. "Hey, Ghost! You doing okay...?" She questioned in her normal high-pitched voice. He nodded and looked around. Ruby noticed this and narrowed her eyes.
"Blake is getting ready for the day- and you should too. Unless you want to show everyone your little gift from her." She giggled and he frowned as his face turned a light pink. He closed the door in her face and threw a bottle of water at Yeta.

"Rise and shine, buttercup." Ghost said sarcastically, mimicking Yeta's voice. Yeta groaned as he wiped the drenched hair out of his face. "Asshole."


The two walked into the cafeteria building, scanning the premises for RWBY. They spotted the Power Rangers and grinned as they dashed over to them, now in a custom styled school uniform. The two had 3D printed badges of their Titans, and their Titans class, name, and call sign underneath it. They branded two badges that also looked like technology inside a computer, as well as an insignia of a prowler lower down.

Ghost peeked over his girlfriend's head and smiled at the sketches of him in her book. He scratched her bow, making her purr softly before she turned her head angrily, before seeing who it was. "Ghosty-!?" She gasped as he knelt down and hugged her. Yeta blew a raspberry at the couple and sat next to Weiss.

"What you doing?" Ghost stumbled with his English. The group had tried teaching him how to speak properly for a week now, but all the lessons went in one ear and out the other as he stared at Blake the whole session.
"Nothing. Just going over notes from last semester." She said with a fake smile. Ghost had noticed a drawing about another person in a mask, but decided to ignore it for the time being. He glanced over his shoulder to see Yeta lift his head and hand away from the ear of a flustered Weiss.

"Silence, you- y-y-you dolt-!" She stuttered as she pointed at him, which he giggled at. Yang frowned upon seeing Weiss's face being so flustered and slid between the two with a wide but jealous smile. Yeta rolled his eyes and leaned his head on Yang's shoulder.

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