May the fires build...

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The Knights are already going to turn on us, so…

Yeta thought to himself as he set Ghost down like a cardboard cutout next to a running Weiss and Blake, quickly rushing into the dormitory to grab Reaching Tempest from their room. The wall was caved in from all the chaos and he sighed, searching the wreckage for his blade. He found it and smiled but the gun scabbard part was bent and almost cracked.
He also searched the wreckage for Kraber’s Redemption. He found the poor axe lodged into Ghost’s pillow and winced at the thought of what would have happened if his partner was napping at the time of the attack. He looked back at the battered sheathe and slightly kicked the scrap, knocking off a plate from the old Mastiff shell it once was, also knocking out a shell.

I could fix it if I wanted to, but it's a waste of time. Heh. Time.

Yeta smirked as he happily skipped out of the building, taking precautions to attempt to not murder anyone in his world of stopped time. He frowned as he saw a Beowulf standing over the corpse of a student, continuing on without care.
The pilot sighed again as he took his position next to Weiss. He stared at the adorable Schnee for a moment longer, before brushing her hair to the side and smiling.

“Makes me realize, Weiss is the cute sister. Winter’s the hot one. That makes Whitley the prick of a brother- and we don’t talk about Willow being a {M-word.} The English dictionary doesn’t have enough cuss words to describe Jacques. Mierda.” Yeta remarked and spat, before he looked back to his frozen partner stationed next to the dark-haired Faunus.

If the White Fang are here, then he is too…

The pilot cracked his knuckles and resumed his position, before time began to move again. Things slowly regained color as he looked around, before the girls continued running.
The group came to a stop as the Atlesian Knights turned around, their LED visors, which looked exactly like the Pilots helmets, glowing red. They raised their rifles and began opening fire on the squad. Blake ducked for cover, pulling Weiss down with her, as the Pilots immediately skidded in front of them, parrying as many shots as they could.
The Knights then attempted to surround the group, but quickly failed when Yeta and Ghost cut through them with their axe and blade. Yeta helped the girls up, earning him a kiss on the helmet from Weiss, in which he smiled underneath it. The girls drew their weapons as the squad spotted a large horde of Atlesian Knights to their 12 o' clock, and a big group of White Fang soldiers even further behind them.

"Blake and I will take care of the White Fang, Weiss can blow off some steam against Atlas on those Knights with Ghost." The pilot ordered, causing them all to nod as they split off at breakneck speeds.


Ghost slid into the legs of a Knight, knocking it to the ground as his axe chopped through another in front of him horizontally. He twirled Kraber's Redemption as he shot up, decapitating a pair of Knights. He gripped the axe tighter and fired a Kraber round, blowing a hole in another knight.
He watched as Weiss used her glyphs to fly over the group and land in the center, where she then pulled a combo that would make Vergil proud. Ghost dropped prone to dodge her attacks, growling as a decapitated Knights head bounced off his helmet.
He shot back up and sliced another in half just as Weiss launched herself towards Blake and Yeta. He growled to himself as he took a quick turn and followed shortly after her.

Yeta slid under Blake's horizontal slash and kneed a White Fang in the face. He kicked him in the chest, causing the pilot to flip and drop-kick another. A third Faunus ran up to him, but he just swept the legs and elbowed his face, shattering the mask.

Yeta stood over the unmasked Coyote Faunus, his boot planted on the Faunus's shoulder, letting out a loud crack as he pressed down on it, in which the Coyote let out a pained whimper. The Coyote had dark brown hair and almost teal colored eyes. Yeta also noticed the faunus was young, possibly about as old as him. Another White Fang soldier ran up to him, and he simply hit him with the back of his fist as he threw his arm out.

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