Happy Birthday Namjoon- Gift #3

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Okayyy so 3rd and final gift for my Namjoon Birthday Project.

It's something I saw online, it's silly but we tease him so much for not driving, not cooking or just being a disaster in kitchen and being butterfingers, but we forget we were all like that , a lot of us still are.

I don't drive still and I am older than him, yes I cook but I learnt it because I love it, and even though I don't break stuff, I am a huge case if butterfingers 😂😝

It's just that sometimes I have seen the joke gets too much and joon starts thinking low of himself because of these trivial things.

So I wrote this as a response to him, to tell him he is so much more special than these measly things anyone can learn at any point of time.

So, I Hope you all like it

So, I Hope you all like it

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Author/Poet Note:

So I hope you like this.

It's very personal to me and these small messages I wrote for him, make it a relationship with him that is like therapy for me.

So I hope somehow this reaches him, I will try to post it on weverse but there is no engagement of my profile there, eh that's ok.

And some might think why don't I post on their Birthday. Well I try to, but I was out of town that weekend and had been busy with life ever since, so I got late.

Plus I believe we should spend us turning certain age all year long, life is too short not to do that ☺️

Okayyy My lovely readers, will meet you soon here with more verses inspired by these gorgeous and talented muses.

My Purple Muse- CuriousPoetry_ByShirinWhere stories live. Discover now