Part 66

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We headed down to the lobby of the hotel where the tournament was to be plaid this afternoon, only I was playing today as y/n was going to look after the children. I did tell her she could play too and we would share taking care of them but she insisted it was better for her to not play so that we didn't need to worry about them especially since Simon and Samuel are so young, and aurora has begun a very terrifying running phase. She wants to run everywhere which is fine that's not an issue, the issue is that she runs and completely abandons me and y/n, meaning we lose her. I have been tempted to like one of those dog leads that they make for children which sounds horrible but honest to god she just bolts every chance she gets it really is a practical situation. Y/n kept her hand on Aurora as we headed down making sure that we had hold of her. I pushed the boys along in their pram.

Immediately when we arrived people gave us... strange looks. shocked looks. Most of the chess world had known about aurora given that a child in the chess world is a rare thing and of course, that fact that she is my child, you know a child of the Us champion is something to note at a tournament. That and the concept of a child of Myself and Y/n would give a possibility to a potential prodigy which I have heard about aurora more than once. People immediately took note of our two new children.

"Morning Watts... Uhh family I suppose" Towns laughed as he came up to us

"Morning Towns" I smiled "Yep all of us here to watch daddy play in the tournament"

"Lovely to properly meet you y/n" he smiled giving her hand a kiss

"Indeed, as much as I've seen you its nice to speak properly Towns" she smiled 

"And this must be little aurora" he smiled offering his hand to her which she took "Last I saw you, you were no bigger than a racoon"

"getting bigger every day aren't you sweetie" I smiled fixing her hair for her 

"I'm so tall, I'm bigger than soppy bubbles" she giggled

"Uhhh?" he asks 

"Her kitty cat" Y/n smiled

"Ohhh I see." he smiled "And who's in here?" He asks looking into the pram

"This is Simon, and Samuel" I smiled giving both boys a tuck-in with their blankets 

"Simon? and Samuel?" he asks pointing to each of them

"Yes, Simons in blue and Samuel in green." Y/n smiled 

"We have to keep their colour coded when there this young, Little boys are identical so we struggle a little"

"My god, twins. crazy. how on earth do you survive with a little daughter, a cat, twins, and a beautiful wife in that basement?"

"We moved" I smiled "Now we have a three bedroom townhouse"

"with a  trampoline!" Aurora giggled 

"Yeah we have a trampoline in the garden too"

"A lot's happened since I saw you then"

"It has, life just kinda comes at you I guess" I shrug 

"Has she see yet?"

"Who?" I asked


"Beth? beths here?"

"Yeah, I saw her earlier."

"Ah. right. I'm sure we'll see her later" 

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