Chapter 7

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Alice's POV

It was now Saturday, one day after the guys found out about my dad.

They'd been surprisingly cool about it, and hadn't once pestered me about getting a deal with the label.

I woke up at 11:00 to my ringtone. Squinting at the screen, I saw that it was Nick.

That's weird, I thought, why is he calling me on a Sunday morning?

I answered with a sleepy "Hello?"

Much to my confusion, Skylar's voice responded.

"Come outside your house!"

"Skylar? Why are you using Nick's phone? Why do I need to go outside?"

"No time for questions. Come outside now!!"

"You woke me up. Can't I just sleep and go outside later?"

He was really getting annoying; I was cold without my blankets.

"No. Now. Get your butt out of bed and go to your front door."

"Don't talk about my butt."

"Are you out of bed yet?"


"Butt butt butt butt butt butt butt..."

He wouldn't stop.

"Fine! Fine! I'm up! I'm walking to my front door."

"Good! Bye now!"

He hung up. Now I was more confused than ever.

I rolled out of bed and shuffled towards my bedroom door.

Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I saw that my oversized t-shirt was twisted all the way around my torso, one of the legs of my fuzzy pink pajama pants was rolled up to my knee, and my hair was sticking up in every direction; I couldn't bring myself to care, I was just angry at Skylar.

I made my way to the door, tripping a couple times but otherwise I made it unharmed.

I opened the front door, and, once my eyes adjusted to the sunlight, I saw that Skylar, Adam, Stephen, and Nick were all standing on my front porch, waiting for me.

Of course. I look like hell and four boys decide to show up at my house. How wonderful.

Adam was the first to speak "You look awful."

"Gee, thanks. You can't exactly expect me to look like a supermodel two minutes after I wake up when I am unaware that there are four people waiting outside my house."

Nick spoke up, "He's kidding." He elbowed Adam, who shouted "Ow!"

"You look great."

"Thanks Nick, at least one of you is good at lying to girls. I mean that in the best way possible."

Although I didn't show it, my stomach did little flips when he told me I looked great. The fact that he felt obligated to defend my feelings was really sweet; it's not often that a high school guy does that for a girl. Believe me, I know from experience.

Skylar spoke next, "We need a band name."

This threw me off guard.

Where did that come from? Did I miss something?

"What?" I said, hoping not to come off too dumb sounding.

"Well, we figure that..."

Ok, so I clearly didn't miss anything.

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