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Josephine Rankin was back in Mercedes.

Her palms began to sweat as her hands shook from her nerves of being in the world of motorsport once again, but she knew that she had to force herself to overcome her issues.

She was repeatedly wringing her hands together in an attempt to stop them shaking, as the shaking spread throughout her body.

The feeling of Nausea invaded her once more as she felt it at the back of her throat.

Toto Wolff watched on in concern as the model ran towards the toilets, following after her to check if she was okay.

He could hear the sounds of her being sick, followed by quiet and gentle crying as her emotions got the better of her, and do he carefully stepped in to the toilets carefully as to not spook her, and crouched down beside her.

Josephine felt a pair of large hands gently wrap around her hair and pull it out of the way of the toilet basin to hold it away from her face.

Toto held back her long brown hair with one hand as his other hand was gently placed on her back to soothe her, until the Nausea was over.

A metallic taste filled her mouth as the nausea eventually subsided, allowing her to wipe her mouth clean.

She leant back against the toilet door as she noticed the soft look that Toto was giving her and shook her head slightly.

She tied her hair back so that he could release her hair, and used a hair tie to pull her hair back in to a tight, high ponytail.

"Is it always that bad?" Toto questioned the Rankin girl as she pressed the button to allow the contents of her stomach to disappear.

Josephine slowly nodded her head as she sniffled, with tears free falling down her face which she frantically tried to wipe away.

"I can't escape it, can I?" Josephine's voice broke as she spoke, patting her cheeks dry with the sleeve of her shirt.

Toto stared at the woman sympathetically, realising that it was all part of her grief. The hand shaking, the wringing hands, the nausea, the sickness.

"You can, but it takes time." Toto placed his hand out to her to pull her to her feet, smiling softly as she accepted his hands, and rose back to her feet.

"It's been four years since he died, I don't know how much longer I can do this, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't-"

A sob left her throat as she thought of the French man, tears leaving her eyes once again.

Was ever going to get over him?


"Josie, hey!"

Sebastian Vettel ran up to his ex girlfriend as she left the Mercedes garage, and noticed how her eyes were red and swollen slightly, as if she had been crying.

"Hey, Sebastian." Josephine smiled gently at the German man.

"Are you okay?" Sebastian questioned in concern as he placed his hand on her arm to offer her some comfort.

"Yeah, don't worry about little old me, I'm great!" Josephine smiled sweetly, trying to make herself sound believable.

Sebastian wanted to question her further, and maybe offer his support, but found that someone was shouting his name.

"I'm so sorry, I've got to go but maybe I'll see you later?" Sebastian smiled apologetically before turning and walking to where his good friend was walking over to him.

AN ENDLESS SMILE// DANIEL RICCIARDO Where stories live. Discover now