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"Hey Sandra."

Josephine Rankin smiled as she walked in to the building where she was supposed to be doing a photoshoot, seeing her boss, Sandra, standing there waiting for her.

"Hello Josephine. It's nice to have you back." Sandra smiled at the young woman, furrowing her eyebrows together as she noticed the slightest of differences in the models mood and behavior.

She seemed lighter, happier almost.

"What did I miss?" Josephine questioned, since she had been off work for a couple of months due to none other than Lewis Hamilton convincing her boss to give her the time off.

"A lot. But nothing that you needed to be here for. How was your time off? Did you have a good time? Get some rest?" Sandra responded gently, since she had been keeping track of the Australian, making sure that she was okay and not putting herself under too much strain.

"Uh, I got some rest. I kept being woken up by this super annoying thing." Josephine smirked to herself, the quietest of giggles leaving her body.

"What was the super annoying thing?"

"His name is Esteban." The two women laughed together at the tone that the Rankin woman had used, one that was joking and teasing and was by no means serious.

"It's like as soon as the sun rises, he's awake and ready to drag me out of bed to explore and go on adventures." The model laughed, remembering just how many times that her French friend had woken her up in the times that she had spent with him.

"He must be a good friend. It sounds like he just wants you to have fun." Sandra nodded her head up and down proudly, since she knew that he was definitely not a boyfriend.

She knew that the woman standing in front of her was not ready for that.

"There's fun, and then there's dragging me on a bike ride for six hours." Josephine rolled her eyes exaggeratingly, whilst quickly doing a very basic makeup look on her face ready for her photoshoot.

"Keep the lipstick a basic color. We want the outfit to stand out." Sandra made sure to notify the woman, though she knew that Josephine was more than capable of doing it herself.

The Rankin woman nodded her head up and down a couple of times, placing a nude lipstick color on to her lips, followed by a clear gloss to help make the outfit that she would be wearing, a designer dress from a fashion designer called Vera Wang, stand out.

It was why the backdrop was all white, her hair slicked back, and her shoes were just some simple heels that weren't even going to be visible.

Josephine found herself staring off in to the distance as the camera was being clicked multiple times, the flash appearing in the corner of her eye as she posed for the photos, occasionally moving her hands and arms in to different positions so that all angles of the dress could be shown off.

Sandra found herself frowning as she noticed the ghost of a smile that had suddenly seemed to appear on the lips of her favorite model, wondering what was going on inside of brunette woman's head.

"Bonjour, Miss Josephine."

Pierre Gasly greeted the Australian woman as he spotted her walking through the paddock of one of his races, having not seen her since he was a teenager.

"Wha- oh! Mon chou!"

Josephine gasped as she recognised the French boy, seeing his crystal blue eyes gleaming back at her with his bright smile. Her arms immediately wrapped around the shoulders of the boy that was now a man, feeling him return the gesture instantly.

AN ENDLESS SMILE// DANIEL RICCIARDO Where stories live. Discover now