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Josephine Rankin greeted softly in French as she approached a man who she knew to be French, brown hair upon his youthful head, his eyes soft and gentle, his smile friendly and bright.

"Bonjour, you are Josephine, no?"

Jules Bianchi responded with a bright smile, his eyes concentrating solely on the beautiful woman in front of him who he was pretty sure was the ex girlfriend of a fellow driver in Formula one.

"Oui, I am! I'm sorry for bothering you but I couldn't help but recognise you from the track." Josephine spoke as she lifted one of her hands up to brush her hair behind her ear, her most recent haircut annoying her with how short her framing strands around her face were.

"No no, you are not bothering me at all, I was just heading out to grab some lunch, would you like to join me?" Jules offered as the two of them walked together along a beach front, the sea air comfortably hitting their faces.

"That would be amazing, merci beaucoup!" Josephine smiled as she walked alongside him, with the French man walking on the side where the road was, making sure that she was safe all the way until they arrived at the cafe where the Bianchi man had been heading to.

"Please excuse me, but you are Sebastian's ex girlfriend, no?" Jules apologised as he asked, his hands being held up in a defensive position so that she would know that he meant no harm.

"Oui, I know this may sound bad and very rude of me so please excuse me for saying this, but I dated your friend a while back but you were the one who caught my eye." The Rankin woman gulped as she admitted the truth, seeing his face fill with shock.

Then, she watched a large smile fill his face, replacing the look of shock.

"It does not sound bad or rude at all, it actually makes me very happy." The French man took note of her eyebrows furrowing together, as if she was trying to think what his words meant.

"You had caught my eye too, if that is how you say, but you were dating Sebastian and he is my friend so I ignored it."

Josephine gulped, having not expected his confession.

The Bianchi man took a gulp from his cappuccino as he allowed his words to settle in her brain, hoping that she would react the way that he had hoped that she would.

"U-Uh, o-okay well would you like to go to dinner with me some time? Obviously if you're busy that is completely fine because I know how busy formula one drivers are so if you don't want to that is completely fi-"

The Australian model blabbered on nervously, her body and her brain having absolutely no idea why she was acting as if she was a lovestruck teenager, her hands clenching in to fists so that her nails dug in to her skin, hoping to make her brain work.

"Josephine, I would love to go to dinner with you." Jules chuckled as he interrupted her, his cheeks aching from how bright his smile was, finding her being flustered incredibly cute.

AN ENDLESS SMILE// DANIEL RICCIARDO Where stories live. Discover now