Chapter 18

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Everything was black and silent for a while. The last thing she recalled was the panicked screams of her family calling out her name while she was dragged into the darkness by Andy. Once she felt his cold hands grab her and drag her into nothingness, her mind strangely shut down and she lost consciousness.

Kate didn't know how long she was unconscious, but she soon found herself waking up. Everything felt cold to make her shiver, and see her own breath. As she sat up, the environment around her looked just as cold, though not because of it being a snowy tundra or something like that. Instead, it was because of how colorless everything was around her. While it appeared like she was inside a fancy house or a mansion of some sort, based on the décor and the style of the walls, everything was in shades of grey.

Kate shivered and rubbed her arms with her hands. As she did, she took the time to take a look at herself. Strangely, she was still in the same clothes she was in when Andy grabbed her, though she was now missing her backpack, which contained a few of her personal items. She checked her pockets, feeling that she still had her cell phone inside her back pocket.

Her first instinct was to call for help, so she rapidly pulled her phone out and tried to dial the police. But much to her dismay, there was no signal, so she couldn't call anyone.

Feeling unsafe with how she was alone in an unknown location, she stood up and spotted a door that led out of the room. She made a bolt for the door, but before she could even reach and touch the doorknob, someone else already opened it from the other side and entered the room.

Kate yelped in panic and jumped back. It was Andy, but seeing that he was now looking like a monster instead of his human form, it frightened her.

"Finally, you're awake," he said.

He sounded calm and gave her a friendly smile, but his image made him look more threatening than benevolent.

"Welcome home Katelyn. This is my mansion, but once we get married, it'll be our mansion. And soon, it'll be more of a castle as we rule the world," said Andy.

Kate backed up. She was too afraid to muster any words, and instead kept a terrified expression.

She backed up unto a table, which had a little flower vase on it. Unsure what her full game plan was, but still frightened with her situation, she grabbed the vase, and with a hard throw as she could, she threw it at Andy. The vase hit him on the shoulder, for he was quick to defend his head from the impact.

"Stay away from me!" Kate cried, breaking into a run.

She managed to bolt right past him and rushed out of the room that she was locked in. She heard Andy angrily shouting out her name, but she didn't dare to look back and just kept running. Kate may not be a horror movie fan, but she knew that taking a second to look back would only slow her down. Right now, she had to run and put as much distance between herself and Andy as possible.

She ran through the hallway and reached another room, which looked like an entrance hall to a mansion. Spotting the front doors, Kate ran to them and threw them open to hurry outside. But once she made it outside, she didn't know what made her stop, but she did.

The place looked like a private property for a mansion, but like with inside, everything was the color grey. If the fact that everything was colorless was terrifying enough, then the icing on the cake was how dark the sky was. The clouds were a dark grey, like smoke from a fresh fire, only the air was even colder outside than inside the mansion.

Kate felt a cold hand grab her left arm from behind, making her spin around in panic. Andy had caught up to her, and he didn't look too happy to be attacked.

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