chapter 3

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After long travel, the sun started to set, the long grassy plane danced with the wind, the insects making the music. Technoblade looked to the sky "i think e should set up camp, it will be too dark to travel safely" he said simply, wilbur took his backpack off and sighed "you are probably right, i'm going to go find materials for firewood, i'll be right back" wilbur said as he walked away.

Fundy sat on the ground, taking his backpack off as well, technoblade doing the same, techno looked at the small boy next to him "so.... How's the transition going?" fundy jumped slightly at technos question "wha- how did you?-" he looked up at him, techno chuckled "takes one to know one" he said with a smirk placed onto his face "..huh?" fundy tilted his head slightly, techno lifted up his shirt, exposing two moon shaped scars underneath his chest, fundy gasped as his tail wagged, excited fox noises escaped his mouth. Jumping up, he started asking techo a bunch of questions "woah calm down kid-" he put his hands up a bit.

"But- but you are like me! I don't see this that often!" his tail wagged so hard it made his body sway with the motion.

Techno put his hand on the child's head "calm" fundy stood still for a moment before sitting down again "i'm sorry..." he said as his ears flattened against his head, techno sighed and patted fundy back "its fine, i'm not upset or anything, just give me space next time kid" he chuckled.

Wilbur came over, carrying wood, dried leaves and grass, great for a campfire, he set it all down and moved it around before techno started to make the fire, soon the warmth of the fire reached them all. Wilbur stretched a bit before reaching into his bag and pulled out a sleeping bag, giving it to fundy and pulling out another for himself, he sat down on and looked up at the small amount of stars they could see so far, fundy snuggled up in his sleeping bag, falling asleep quickly.

For a long period of time, it was silent, at least for Wilbur, for techno it was a different story.

"You should kill them"

"kill them kill them"

"weak little travelers"

"blood for the blood god"

"You monster"

"you killed so many"

"you killed them"

"your family"

"it was you"

"it's your fault"

"your fault they hate you"

" your fault he hates you"


 they taunted him

"So.." wilbur broke the uncomfortable silence techno looked at him "so..." he started "why are you looking for the demi god of chaos?" he asked

Wilbur froze at the question "...i would... rather not talk about it.." his bright warm smile was temporarily replaced with a grimace, before returning back to his warmth "what about you?" he fired the question back. Techno chuckled as a response "that is a loaded question... me and him used to be friends.. When we were kids... until one day we grew apart.. And he cursed me. The curse of blood, to crave it, to spill it... the voices will never stop till satisfied.. Until their hunger starts again that is." his face morphed into a scowl.

Wilbur looked at him with worry, not fear, not worry for his own life, but for technoblade "oh techno.... Im- im so sorry..." his voice showed sympathy "eh, it's just life, ill get rid of them soon.." for the first time he wasn't rejected because of his curse, the first person who wasn't scared of him, it nearly brought him to tears, he quickly wiped his eyes before any tears dared to fall "well me and you will for sure kick his ass!" wilbur put his hand on technos shoulder, his smile so comforting yet daring, so determined, techno laughed a bit "i like your charisma soot" wilbur giggled as a response "come on techno, it's getting late, its bedtime" he said, getting into his sleeping bag as techno rolled his eyes, laying on the ground "whatever you say mom" he teased

They both giggled, another long silence, but this one was warm, it was good, it was comforting, comforting enough to sleep.

Only darkness, that's all technoblade saw, he looked around, 'another nightmare' he thought, he was good at understanding what was dreams and what wasn't, altho this felt so... off...

A cold breeze floated throughout the empty dream


Three voices spoke at the same time, one was a softer british accent, the other was a rougher american accent, both unfamiliar to techno, but the third, this one was oh too remembural "come out you coward." he said sternly " i'm going to find you, and when i do you will pay for what you did to me, what you made me do!" he was flooded with anger, but the voice only giggled and laughed, mocking him "what a poor little 'blood god', i find it ADORABLE how you try so hard, your fate is written in stone technoblade, and the people you hold close to you will meet their end, by your own hands~"

Just like that the dream was over, he was awake, the sun was just barley rising, wilbur and fundy still asleep, he sat up shakely and looked around, the things the voices told him rung in his head, it made him want to throw up, a dream hasn't made him feel like this in years.

"I will find you. And I will make sure you pay.." he felt a warm tear roll down his cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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