Back in time (🇨🇿)

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So basically, Slovak and Protectorate were both killed by the allies and Czechia with Slovakia got taken by Soviet.

He officially adopted them when he invaded Czechoslovakia tho. And Czechoslovakia died in 1944.

And Slovakia was 2 years old at that time remembering nothing. The reason why Slovakia doesn't hate Russia as much as Czechia does because Slovakia is unaware of the past.

Czechia is pissed off at Russia because one, his father was an asshole and he takes Russia as a copy of his father.

And two, he dislikes the fact Russia has the same flag as his brother had. He knows it's not his fault it just makes him angry. So if Czechia got to meet his family in the past. It's an interesting concept I wanted to try.

Czechia POV:
I was talking with Germany, he said something about a machine he was building. "It's finished so let me show you!" He said.

"This is a Time travel machine. It let's you go back in time but also in a different dimension! Everything there is the same it's practically identical but if you change anything there it won't affect us here." He explained.

"Woah Německo, that's amazing!" I said. "Since you are always helping me with my things, do you want to try it out?" He asked me "Sure but can you build me one lil thing in the meantime?" I asked.

"Sure, just write down what do you need" He answered so I took out a paper from my pocket and give it to him. 'Ok, I'm ready' I thought to myself.

"And go!" Germany yelled and suddenly I saw some bright colors flashing in my vision. Just wait when I get back, I'm gonna cancel him for not giving me flashing lights warning.
I'm here already? Oh wow. I blinked a few times to adjust to my surroundings. "Nie, to nedáva zmysel!" I heard someone yell.

Slovak.... I almost cried at the flashbacks, fucking Soviet he's the one who caused us all the problems we have. I just decided to stay calm, I need to talk to him, but how? Eh I could just snatch him. Ok that's a plan!
I grabbed him by his hand when he was alone and yanked him closer. "Čo sakra- Česko?! (What the- Czechia?!)" He yelled.

"Ahoj i tobě, můžeš mě to nechat vysvětlit? (Hello to you too, can you let me explain?" I asked trying my best not to just hug him and stay that way forever.

"Tak vysvetli (Then explain)" He said "Takže jsem z budoucnosti, lehké vysvětlení, nic víc k tomu (So I'm from the future, easy explanation, nothing more)" I said.

"Jednoduché? Česko to vôbec nie je jednoduché vysvetlenie (Simple? Czechia that isn't a simple explanation at all)" He said "Chci obejmout (I want a hug)" I said and he just sighed.

"Si stále detí, poď sem (You are still childish, come here)" He said and hugged him tightly. "Mal by som ťa vziať k ostatným.. (I should take you to the others)" He said and I just held him tighter.

'Others?' I thought to myself. Does he mean Protectorate and Mom? And him too?... What If I see Poland? I could never let him be hurt and not do anything! "A to musíš?.. (Do you have too?)" I asked still holding onto him.

He patted my head and said "Nechceš ísť? Prečo nie? Som si istý, že ostatní by ťa radi videli! A myslím, že otec by ťa chcel vidieť.. (You don't want to go? Why not? I'm sure that others would love to see you! And I think that father would want to see you)" He said.

"Já ho ale nechci vidět.. (I don't want to see him though)" I said holding onto him even more.
By him I'm sure everyone knows who I'm talking about. My 'father' but I usually don't mention him as my father.

He did bad deeds... "Prečo ho nechceš vidieť? Čo sa stalo? (Why don't you want to see him? What happened?)" He asked. "Nic se nestalo.. (Nothing happened)" I answered.

If we ignore the millions that died and all the other stuff nothing happened really. But I know he's on dad's side, so I'll just keep shut about that. "Je mi ľúto, ale musíme povedať našim otcom aspoň (I'm sorry but we have to tell our father at least)" He said.

"Byl bys naštvaný kdybych se ti s něčím svěřil? Chtěl bych ti říct něco důležitého.. (Would you be angry if I told you something? I wanna tell you something important)" I said.

Well it's now or never. "Áno? Čo je to? (Yes? What is it?)" He asked and I just grew nervous "Jsem s USA... A tak trochu proti všem otcovým ideologiím (I'm with USA... And also a against father's ideologies)" I said.

And he's gonna kill me. I can just see that. "Si s USA? Ale prečo?.. Prečo si nás kvôli nemu opustil? (You're with USA? But why?.. Why would you leave us for him?)" He said and seemed hurt by what I said.

"Není to tak, že bych vás opustil kvůli němu... Ale vy, nejste zrovna k dispozici, abyste se mnou vůbec mluvili.(It's not like I would leave you for him.. But you guys, aren't exactly available to talk to me) "

I said trying to justify myself. "Čo tým myslíš? Prečo by sme neboli k dispozícii? (What do you mean? Why wouldn't we be available?)" He asked and I was on the verge of tears. "Vy jste všichni mrtví.. (You are all dead)"

Idk if there will be part two of this but I'll see.

Word count: 790 (with translation 968)

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