Back in time (2)

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Also, they are talking in their languages, it's just it's midnight and I'm too tired to translate it.

Czechia POV:
I hugged him and started crying. I held him tight tears running down my cheeks in pure despair. I either help them to win and they survive yet that'll ends badly... Why can't I change it so both sides have it good?... Or maybe I could...

„We are what?” Slovak asked still holding me close to him. I started crying even more and buried my head in his chest. He started patting my head as he kept on repeating: „It's gonna be ok” as if he wasn't only trying to reassure me but himself too.

I didn't want to make him worried, it just slipped. „I'm sorry...” I whispered and held him tighter. „Did you take any part in our deaths?” He asked and I heard obvious nervousness in his voice. Was he scared of the fact I could have been included?

„Well... Not exactly. But I did see it” I said not being ready to let him go or look into his eyes. „I'm sorry you had to see that... Are you ok now at least?” He asked and I thought of a honest answer. „Kinda, I'm managing”

I said truthfully. I would never lie to my brothers, no matter what. He ruffles my hair and picked me up. „Woah! Put me down” I yelped and he ignored me. I whimpered and asked him: ,,Where are we going?"

„We are going home Czechia” He answered and I pouted „Neeee” He chuckled and continued in his way. I was expecting for him to take me home, to be honest, it was obvious. I just don't want to..

On the other hand I get to meet my family again. Oh man, I don't even remember how they look like.. Well their flags yes, but not their looks. It's insane to think about.

When we got there, it was depressive. Everything in gray and stuff... Slovak carried me to the house and towards some room. „Alright.. So this is where Vater is.” He exclaimed.

„Brother..” I whispered nervously. „It's gonna be ok Czechia, you should just explain to him some stuff he asks then we can meet the rest.” He explained to me.

I quietly agreed and he knocked on the door. We heard a 'Come in' so he opened the door and greeted him..

„Hello Vater.. We have someone from the future here” He said. „Huh? Is that a joke?” He said surprised and looked up from his paper.

„No joke.. He said and took me into the room. „Hello” I said nervously. „Mein Gott... Tschechien?” He said surprised.

„Ja..” I answered to him trying to avoid eye contact. „Slovak.. I wanna talk to him alone.” He exclaimed. „Yes Vater” Slovak said and left.

„Well then.. Tschechien, Komm, setz dich” He practically ordered and I listened. „So.. Is there anything you would like to ask, orrr?” I started.

„Actually, there is. From how both of you seemed nervous, Ich kann see the war did nicht end gut für uns. I want you to help us win the war and avoid the mistakes we made.” He explained.

„Was?.. I'm not sure if Ich kann do that..” I said while looking at the floor. „Of course you kann, well that ist if you want to see your family happy. And that's why you returned to the past, isn't that true?” He asked.

„Well ja, aber...” I tried to reason with him but he cut me off. „Kein Aber” He said with an angry tone. „So explain how me, Italien and Japan lost.”
„Well, Danke for such information Tschechien, Ich will surely use them.”
„Of course...” „If we are at it, how about you help me with my plan then?” He asked.
„Was? Ich? Nein..” I refused.

„Sweet of you to think you have a choice. Now let's get to it! I'm thinking that you can help me by threatening one of Soviets kids, which one of them do you have the best and worst relationships with?” He asked.

„I would say best are Estonia and Ukraine and worst is Russia.” I said. „Alright so Russia.. ok” He noted to himself.

„Well then! You can go to your brothers and I'll call you later”
I nodded, said goodbye and left.

Word count: 730

Damn this could be a fanfic on its own-

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