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Kris' POV
Me and susie left the dark world standing in front of the closest doors"so kris who are ya gonna ask to prom?" "Meh idk i have few days to figure out" " uh,you do realize proms TOMORROW right?" WHAT it's tomorrow i have no one to go with! Ugh ill just have to go with Susie and her date "yk what ill take that offer on going with you and Noelle" "uh yeah um i decided id rather go alone with her for yk...reasons." I knew she just wanted to kiss her gf in peace so i layed off "alright ill just not go." "you have to! look look look how about after prom i hang out with you huh?" I shrugged,she took it as a yes. as we walked out the school we then saw ms.Alphys"o-oh kris Susie what are you doing here?" I completely forgot she doesn't know we go to the closest every day "um j-just mom thats all!" "Oh ok well d-don't forget your project!"she walked inside school for some reason? prolly to watch anime.

Me and Susie walked into the library and we passed Berdly at the counter I made eye contact with him i flushed a bit for some reason. I told Susie to wait in the computer Lab with Noelle for a few minutes as i made my way to the counter "so im just gonna say it,are we gonna ignore each other or hang out more?" "Idk maybe you should tell Noelle first." HELL NO SHE'D FREAK! ESPECIALLY YOU TELLING HER YOUR CRUSH ON SU-!" He put his wings over my mouth to stop me from screaming i put my arm around his wrist and slammed his wing on the counter "d o n t y o u e v e r f u c k i n g t o u c h m e a g a i n." " okay okay" he said putting his hands up like undye just came up to the scene.

i walked towards one of the shelves and picked a book. Berdly was reading a guide book to a new game that came out. i was looking though my book,when i heard a loud thump on the floor."SHIT!"Berdly quickly covered his mouth. i noticed he gotta paper cut "wheres the bandaids!" "Kris you do realize im a bird with FUR."he said sarcastically "it'll only make it worse i just have to wait it out, plus it doesn't even hurt!" He replied clearly hiding his single tear.

I was walking towards the computer lab and peeked in my eye went wide from shock yet anticipation.

Noelle was kissing her...noelle was kissing her...NOELLE WAS KISSING HER!?!

I flung the door open


"Kris the fuck are y-" Berdly said as he came in.

He stopped mid-sentence to process what just happened. he freezed just staring at the two gays.


"I think it is" I said smugly. Susie stood there still processing what tf just happened her face bright red

"Finally they opened their eyes😑" i could tell he was trying to hide his pain. he failed,at least in my eyes i gave him a sympathetic look. He sighed Noelle got up and ran out,her face red asf. Susie sat there flabbergasted"sooo did ya like it? Im joking i know you obviously did😙" "shut tf up im thinking."I looked at Berdly he looked defeated but still smiling. im not sure if he's going to hold some kind of grudge against Noelle. but that seems outta the ordinary for him. I shrugged it off " guess we'll have to find out"i mumbled.

Only 652 words im getting lazy imao anyways bye bitches😘

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