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I do not believe the ralsei is evil theory he's just possessed by Gaster at the moment. Nor do I believe ralsei is kris brother and if you watch the theory it might make a little more sense
Also I made the art😍

Kris POV
My eyes widened once they saw who was there, ralsei was staring at me with dull pink eyes as the light reflected off his glasses."A-Asriel?"
I spoke. No response."is that you?" He stood still...with hatred in his eyes.

Isn't he dead? I killed him! Well by accident...
At least that's what I think.

"You left him to rot in the closet..."
"Left who?"


He launched forward to me with a demonic smile across his white fur.
(Kinda like gaster)

A slash went across my face before I could even react to what happened in front of my eyes.

The blood went down my cheek, where's mom? Did he hurt her why is he doing this?!

I reached to my pocket as quick as I can to find the pencil I always keep.

"It won't matter~" a tender yet menacing voice spoke.
"Your determination won't matter your choices don't matter at all~" the called from behind me as the lights turned off.

I turned around and swung my pencil to threaten the entity behind me only to get pushed to the ground and fall on my knees.

"Where's mom?!"
"Mother's not here anymore~"

Small tears started to prick the corners of my eyes, what do you mean by that? I thought.

My mechanical pencil was still in my grasp, my hands were shaking from the metaphorical knife that stabbed my heart and everything inside of me, the tears had released themselves by the force I was putting on myself.

This asshole will die...one way or another...

Ralsei/ gaster POV

If the Text is like this it means ralsei's thinking
If it's like this gaster is thinking

Please stop you're hurting them! He took another swing at them he seems proud of himself...why? This is in the name of science, everything is necessary when it's science.

Gasters smile was plastered on my face to show a horrifying image, to the point all the gooey residue was dripping to the floor, how disgusting...

I could hear sobs from kris as they stood up trying to hold their tears once more...im sorry...

Just a few more hits and I'll be able to-
Heh, they want to put up a fight eh?
Fine I'll give them one...

Kris was able to get a hit outta me, how, intriguing?...

Third person POV

Dark yet up beat battle music played in the background, Kris' hair flowed with the cold air from the outside, their pencil was held in front of them with pride.

Gasters pencil was at his side, with a menacing look filled with hatred...

"You don't belong here kris~"

They raised their pencil and swung it with force

Things are about to get interesting
Very interesting...

So sorry how long this took😭

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