Chapter 2: The Empty Crib

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Canterlot Castle

One hour and three minutes after the Return of Nightmare Moon

Nightmare Moon


A trail of wreckage followed in the Nightmare's wake as she searched Canterlot Castle for clues to the location of the Elements of Harmony, the one thing that could defeat her now. After dealing with Celestia, she had immediately scanned the castle for their presence, for the element's power signature should have shone like a beacon in the darkness.

They weren't there.

Growing worried with the lack of their dominating presence, the tall mare then began searching through the sun princesses' room, looking for any indication of where she had hidden the powerful artifacts. Papers littered the floor, books ripped open, and desks overturned.


Nightmare knew only too well the elements poised a threat to her, having once used them herself and being on the receiving end of their power as well.

It had not been a pleasant millennium.

It had come as a surprise to her that Celestia did not have them with her, leaving only a mystery to where the dreaded gems might be.

She did not know why, but the fact that they weren't in the castle was maddening to the lunar alicorn.

What's this?

A single paper with a few choice words caught the draconic eyes' attention, and picking it up in her magic, she quickly scanned it, her eyes darting across the page, it said;

To HRH, Princess Celestia of Equestria

Greetings your majesty! Preparations are under way for your imminent arrival in our fair town. Thank you so much for hosting the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration here in Ponyville! Everything is falling into place smoothly as you have requested and your guards arrived earlier than expected, but no harm was done. The Books and Branches Library has been set aside for your personal protégé while she stays here, and I also report that I gave a list of all of the ponies in charge of the festivities so that she may begin organizing the event in earnest. Thanks again!


Mayor Mare of Ponyville

That usurping ingrate! She made a HOLIDAY of our banishment!! For the SUN of all things!!!

It grated Nightmare's fangs that her sister had embraced so willingly her solo rule of Equestria, but the enraged alicorn was able to pick up a piece of useful information from the hated missive.

Celestia's personal protégé

In the years before her banishment, Nightmare remembered that the white alicorn had been fond of being a strong patron of education, and had been entertaining the idea of her own private school. However, the black alicorn knew that it was nearly impossible for Celestia to take on a full time apprentice with her duties and that it wasn't in her character to single out one pony above the rest.

What made this one so special?

Mulling this over in her mind, Nightmare grinned as she decided to kill two birds with one stone.

If this pony is so important to Celestia, he or she is bound to know where the wretched mare has hidden the elements, plus, crashing Celestia's precious celebration will be an excellent way to introduce our new reign.

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