Chapter 19: Maze of the Mind

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Luna kicked the door behind her with her back leg, slamming it loudly. She let out a heavy sigh of frustration. "Answer me this, Cadenza."

Cadenza looked up from where she was reading a book on dream rituals. "O.K. Sure. Fire away."

"Was Twilight ever difficult to put to bed when she was a filly?" Luna half asked, half demanded. "Because I had to order Nova several times to get some rest!"

"How long was she awake this time?" Cadenza sighed in exasperation.

"Five nights!" Luna bemoaned. "When I had her as a foal, I would sing to her and she would fall asleep almost instantly!" Luna slammed her hoof down. "I blame Celestia! Only she could inspire such unhealthy sleep habits!"

"Well, it seems that some things have carried over." Cadenza said sadly. She then tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Of course, now that I think of it, maybe the reason she stayed up all night was because she was part of it. Twilight loved to study all night, and then would have to drown herself in coffee to stay awake in her classes when she went to Celestia's school."

"My point exactly!" Luna agreed. "She should have slept all day!"

Cadenza returned to reading the book Luna had given her to prepare her for the ritual. "So? What was she doing this time?"

"She was in the archives again! Any moment she's not with me she spends in that maze of books!"

Cadenza snapped her head up. "The archives? She's been spending all of her time in the library?!"


Cadenza stood up and walked over to Luna, her face twisting with worry. She grabbed the front of Luna's armor and shook it gently. "Please, please tell me you restricted her access!"

"What of it?" Luna was confused at Cadenza's reaction. She almost slapped the alicorn off of her. "I found out she loved books, so I thought that letting her visit the archives whenever she wanted might...remind her of herself. So no, I didn't restrict her access."

Cadenza's armored behind slapped the floor as she dropped. She looked up in absolute horror at Luna. "You gave the twisted evil version of Twilight Sparkle unrestricted access to the largest collection of magical knowledge in the world?"


Cadenza put her head in her hooves. "We're doomed..."

Luna let Cadenza have her moment before she pushed the alicorn aside. "That does not matter. If my-"


"-if our ritual succeeds, Twilight will be her normal self and you and Shining Armor can do whatever you want to each other back in the dungeons."

Luna summoned her magic and held out a clump of black hair above the center of the ritual. "After making sure Nova would sleep, I plucked this from her personal armor. We now have the final ingredient to start the ritual."

Cadenza nodded and went to her circle in the ritual, directly opposite from Luna's circle. Once they were both in position, Luna lit the runes in the floor. Blue fire erupted from the carvings in the floor, and Luna could feel the old and powerful magic start to take shape. Cadenza also lit her horn and the blue flames then grew stronger as they crackled and sent up pink sparks.

The edges of the ritual then threw up a wall of blue flame that surrounded them.The flames grew higher as the wall started to spin into a vortex and all of their other surroundings started to fade from view.The fire became brighter and brighter until Luna was forced to close her eyes.

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