Chapter 7: The Dragon at the Gate

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Canterlot Castle Royal Gardens

One Minute After the Revelation

Nightmare Moon

It was with no small amount of pain that Nightmare watched her daughter flee, just catching a last glimpse of Twilight's purple tail as she galloped away at full speed.

Of course, she had expected Twilight to react like this in some form or fashion. One did not just reveal that you were their mother from a thousand years ago over a conversation without some tears flowing.

It still hurt though.

Sighing to herself, Nightmare put her helmet back on and sipped her tea. While she tried to calm down her racing heart, her magic pulled back the discarded Element of Honesty to her side. Sparing a glance at the golden necklace, the element was whisked away back into her dimensional pocked along with the other five elements, a loud 'pop' signaling its disappearance.

Keeping the pocket open, Nightmare pulled out a small oak box that was lined with silver. The oak was dark, signifying its age, and yet it was very well preserved considering its age. Setting down the box on the tea table, it opened quietly with barely a squeak from its gilded iron hinges.

Inside was a crown.

It was not her own, nor was it one of her sister's. This crown had been forged a millennium ago in total secrecy, and Nightmare had only just retrieved it a couple hours ago from a small hidey hole in Twilight's foal room at the old castle.

It was fashioned with a bright and shining silver, the metal purified of all contaminations and strengthened with powerful magic. It was curved upward in a gentle arc, engravings of moonflowers and twinkling stars dotting its surface. There on the brow was a single diamond. It was simply cut into a round shape and to most would have seemed unfulfilling if it was just the gem by itself.

But it was not.

When Nightmare had first made it, she had intended to cut it into a more regal shape. She had set her project down one night and when she had returned to it, a surprise had been waiting for her.

A star had made its home inside the gem.

To say Nightmare had been surprised would have been an understatement, and she had spent many a night looking for any missing stars in the night sky, to no avail. She never found out how the star entered the gem, or where it came from. She didn't change the shape of the gem after that, as it was now more beautiful than any cut she could have shaped it into.

Long did she stare at the plaque engraved on the pedestal on which the crown sat. Sitting quietly as the wind rustled her black fur gently.

To my most beautiful flower.

A few minutes may have passed as Nightmare stared at the box, but she did not know how much time had passed nor did she particularly care. Her thoughts were on Twilight and how to proceed.

"Your majesty?"


The box's lid slammed shut, and if had not already been magically enforced, Nightmare was sure it would have shattered.
Looking up, she met the eyes of Knight-Commander Noctis, her leader of the contingent of Lunar Pegasi. He was taller than the average pony but was still dwarfed when compared to her own height. Noctis had gray fur with the tufted ears along with the yellow draconic eyes that were unique to their branch of the Pegasus family.

He bowed formally upon receiving her attention, his muzzle inches from the ground. His thick blue armor clanked as it shuffled from his movement.

Annoyance flickering within her, Nightmare scowled and put the box back into her dimensional pocket before she addressed Noctis.

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