Chapter 11: Bath Time

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Canterlot Castle

Six Hours Until the Coronation


Twilight was befuddled.

She was in a very awkward and complicated situation, one that she needed to treat with the delicacy of handling a bomb. One slip up, in either direction, and all her hopes and plans could disappear in a flash of smoke.

In several hours, she and Nightmare Moon were to be officially crowned as the new ruling royal family of the newly revised Empire of Equestria. From what her mother had told her, all the nobles of Canterlot that had sworn fealty to her would be there, as well as the elders of the Lunar Pegasi from the Citadel of Stars. Many of Equestria's rich business ponies and celebrities would also be in attendance.

Her mother had led her here to a private dressing room to begin preperations. Twilight was alone at the moment, as Nightmare Moon had left to go retrieve a few things for the ceremony.

Nightmare Moon had very explicitly told her not to leave, as she would be coming back soon. Twilight privately thought her mother didn't want her to running around alone with Shining and Cadance again, as the soldiers posted outside were proof of her mother's caution.

Speaking of the soldiers, Twilight heard them start to grumble at a pony with a familiar, lilting voice.

"What do you mean we can't go inside?" The voice that belonged to Cadance said indignantly "The Empress commanded that we are her personal servants. You don't want to get in the way of us carrying out our orders do you?"

One of the soldiers, Twilight guessed, answered in a gruff and unimpressed voice. "I do not care what assignment you have. Our orders were very clear. 'Do not, under any circumstance, let any pony inside who might want to hurt the princess.' Now move aside, or we will send for some other soldiers to detain you."

Twilight could hear Cadance 'hmph' in annoyance, and then Shining's voice picked up.

"Listen, we would never harm Twilight—"

"You will address our princess with respect." The soldier commanded icily.

Shining sighed. "We would never harm Princess Twilight. We're family."

"Liar." The soldier snorted. "Her highnesses' only family is the Empress, and the recently deposed Celestia." Twilight heard the faint clanking of metal. "You've been warned once, now move along before we make you move."

Not wanting for them to get hurt, Twilight opened the doors with her magic. The two soldiers were immediately in front of the doors, standing between Twilight and the others. One of the soldiers looked back and gave Twilight an unsure frown.

"My apologies for the disturbance your highness. We were just about to send them on their way."

"That won't be necessary, you can let them in." Twilight told him.

The soldier frowned slightly in concern. "But the Empress commanded—"

"I am well aware of what the Empress commanded. But I can assure you that these three mean no harm." Twilight said shortly. She hated to have to use her new authority, but she wanted Spike, Shining, and Cadance's presence, if only to comfort her. "Even if they did, all of them are either restrained or injured, and they wouldn't pose much of a threat. I also need help with my preparations for the coronation and I require my personal servants."

The two guards exchanged glances, before speaking up again. "Very well your highness, but we can only let your mare servant through."

"And why is that?"

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