Movie Night [Pt.1] || Donnie 💜

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Donnie invites (y/n) over for a movie night at the lair

[Your name in his phone: (Y/N)<3]
[His name in your phone: Don-Tron]
You unlock the door to your apartment, exhausted from your day at school. You don't even take time to put your bag away as you flop down on your living room couch. As you're drifting off to sleep, you hear a small "ding" from your phone. You groan as you sit up, wondering who's decided to bother you.

Don-Tron: (y/n)?
     You're surprised to see that Donnie is texting you. You type out your response.

(Y/N)<3: hey donnie it's been a while! what's up?

     Donnie's face lights up when he sees you've answered so quickly. He'd been wanting to hang out with you, it's just that he'd been extremely busy lately. He tends to get overly absorbed in his work often. Donnie is hit with a wave of anxiety as he thinks of how he'll ask for forgiveness this time. He fidgets in his seat a bit, wondering how to reply.

Don-Tron: (y/n), i want to apologize. we haven't really talked recently because i've been working on tech junk and i'm super busy with projects and i didn't mean to ignore you PLEASE FORGIVE ME I AM SO SORRY (Y/N) :(

     You giggle to yourself as you read his message. You were used to Donnie being so busy. It annoyed you a little, being ignored and all, but he always came back sooner or later.

(Y/N)<3: aww, don't worry about it donnie. i still love ya❤️ i'd really like to see the stuff you made sometime!

     Donnie's heart skips a beat while reading your message. He feels his face grow hot as he puts his phone down for a second to think. You were always understanding and interested in his work, that's what he liked about you. He felt awful for ignoring his favorite person for so long.
Suddenly, he's hit with an idea.

Don-Tron: how about i make it up to you?

(Y/N)<3: oh? how so?

     Donnie tries to calm himself down before asking his question.

Okay Donatello. Be cool, be cool...

He paces around his room for a while, then quickly types out his proposition while looking away from his phone.

Don-Tron: iwaswonderingifyouwantedtocome

     Donnie is absolutely mortified as he goes back and reads his own writing. It didn't quite come across as how he intended, but it's too late to delete it now. He puts his phone down and sits on his bed as he anxiously waits for a reply.

     You squint as you try to decipher his haphazardly typed message. You eventually get it and reply promptly.

(Y/N)<3: LMAO it took me a while to read that- of course i'd like to come over! 6pm work for you?

     Donnie hears a "blip" come from the other side of his room as your message is recieved. He scrambles to grab his phone to read your response, dropping it in the process.

Don-Tron: GREAT i'll see you then bye

     Donnie lies down on his bed and groans into his pillow. He didn't know what was wrong with him lately. Even over text, he couldn't help being awkward when it comes to you. How in the world was he going to get through your "hangout" this evening...

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