Chapter 14

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( An: Angela is 5 1/2months pregnant)

The next morining

" Mom" called angela while walking downstairs.

" Yes"said Kristina while drying off the dishes.

" I need to go to the hosiptal" said Angela while starting to cry and sitting on the couch.

" Why and what's wrong?" asked Kristina.

" I'm having really bad contractions" replied Angela while holding her stomach.

" Ok, and David and kids come downstsairs right now" replied Kristina while putting on her shoes.

" What's going on"? they all asked while coming downstsairs.

" Grab your coats because we are going to the hosiptal" replied Kristina.

" Can you be able to walk to the car?" asked David.

" Yeah " replied Angela while getting up from the couch.

" Mmm, Kenneth i love you so much" moaned Monica.

" Yeah" moaned Kenneth while grinding on monica.

Kenneth cell phone starts ringing.

" Can you please stop for a mintue?" asked Kenneth.

" Whatever" replied Monica while walking to the bathroom.

K: Hello

A: Hey, and i'm going to the hosiptal

K: Why and are you and the baby ok?

A: The baby's fine but i'm having really bad contractions and can you meet me there?

K: Yeah

A: Bye

" Who the fuck was that?" asked Monica.

" My girl" replied Kenneth.

" Whatever, and we are going to finish having sex or what?" asked Monica.

" Hell no" replied Kenneth while going in the bathroom to go take a shower to get the sex smell off of his.

About 45 minutes later.......................

" Hi, and i'm looking for Angela Henry?"asked Kenneth.

" She's in room 113 and take the west elevators to go the labor and delivery" said the front desk man.

" Thanks" said Kenneth.

" Hey everyone and how are you doing angela?" asked Kenneth while kissing her forehead.

" Hey Kenneth" they all said.

" I'm in really bad pain" replied Angela while crying and squezzeing kenneth's hand really hard.

" Damn angela that really fucking hurt" said Kenneth while sounding really mad.

" I'm sorry but these damn contractions really hurt" cried Angela.

" I'm sorry and what did the doctor say?" asked Kenneth.

" She said that she's trying to stop my contractions" replied Angela.

" It's going to be okay" said Kenneth while holding angela's hand and rubbing her back.

" Can of you guys go please go get the fucking doctor or nurse" yelled Angela.

" I'll go" said David.

" Nurse, i need you in rm 113" said David.

" Ok" said the nurse.

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