Chapter 17

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6 weeks later..............

" Hey Angela" said April.

" Hey and Kenneth broke up" said

" What and why?" asked April.

" He cheated on me with this girl named Monica" answered Angela.

" Oh, and i'm sorry" said April while hugging her.

" I'm going to be ok" said Angela.

" That's good" said April.

" Yeah" said Angela.

" So, can i plan your baby shower?" asked April.

" Um, you can help me" replied Angela.

" Ok, and did you set a date for your baby shower?" asked April.

" I was thinking in February or March" replied Angela.

" Oh, and i'm exicted for you" said April.

" Me too and would you like to come to my doctor's appointment with me after work?" asked Angela.

" Sure" replied April.


" Hi, and how are you doing today?" asked Dr. Williams while putting some gel on her belly.

" I'm doing good" replied Angela.

" Your baby is small right now" said Dr.Williams.

" What, and how many pounds does he weights?" asked Angela while really scared.

" He only weights 3 pounds" answer Dr. Williams.

" Oh, and i was stressing alot" said Angela while starting to cry.

" But everything else looks healthy with his" said Dr. Williams.

" Ok" said Angela while wiping her tears.

" I'll be seeing you on December 28th" said Dr.Williams while wiping the gel off her belly.

" Ok, and i can't believe that my son only weights three pounds" said Angela.

" Its going to be okay, and i remember when the doctor told me about my son" said April.

" I'm glad that i don't have to deal with Kenneth anymore" said Angela.

" Yeah" said April.

" Do you want to go to Steak and Shake?" asked Angela.

" Sure" replied April.


" That food was really good" said Angela.

" Yeah, it was and i'm surprised that your food cravings aren't really crazy" said April.

" They are crazy but i try not to eat to much when i'm eating out and try not to order a lot of food" said Angela.

" Oh, and i remember one time when I was pregnant with my son i ordered everything on the menu" said April.

" Wow, and and what did you do with the other food?" asked Angela.

" I gave it to some hobos on the street" replied April.
" Oh, and thanks for coming to my doctor's appointment with me and thanks for the ride" said Angela while closing the car door.

" No problem" said April.

" Hey mom" said Angela.

" Hey, and the car place called" said Kristina.

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