18 1 2

"Darliza. Come." A soft voice echoed through the empty halls. I sighed softly as I promptly stood up from the armchair I was snuggled up in, placed the book that I'd been reading back on the shelf, and straightened my skirt.

"Coming, grandfather," I said softly. There's no need to shout in the house; it's empty and silent.

I made my way down the gloomy halls of the Yaxley mansion. The mansion wasn't usually this empty... at least it wasn't this empty before both my older siblings started Hogwarts. My older brother and sisters, Margarette, Isabella, and Ian Yaxley are away at school now. Margarette is currently in her sixth year while Isabella and Casper have just started their first. 

I've never met my parents. They died shortly after I was born. Ferdinand and Natalia Yaxley were killed by Aurors, towards the end of the First Wizarding War, since both of them had been active Death Eaters. Some of the other death eaters were also killed, while others received a lifelong sentence in Azkaban, the Wizard Prison. My grandfather had only escaped similar after claiming that he was forced to become a Death Eater under the Imperius Curse and had no evil intentions. However, I doubt that's the truth. I've never met any of the other former Death Eaters, though I've known them all my life, from the mouths of my grandfather and also my siblings. And I know for a fact that all of them became a Death Eater willingly, some believed in pureblood supremacy, some idolised the Dark Lord, some for fear for their own deaths... whatever the reason, they've chosen that path.

Throughout my childhood, my grandfather was never fully present, he's often busy with work within the Ministry. He's currently working under the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, trying very hard to become the head of department. He told me once, when I was really young, naive enough to think that my grandfather was the best person in the world and could do nothing wrong, that he was working to reclaim our family name and for his passion. But I know the real reason--- grandfather is still working for the Dark Lord. And when the Dark Lord comes back--- which I known will happen (I can feel it), my grandfather will go right back to his side. And if he has the department under control, that meant it would be much easier for the Dark Lord to gain control on the ministry.

My grandfather was never around much in our household. he was either at work, or he was in his study doing secretive stuff.  Us children were never allowed in his study without permission and would get punished harshly if we did. Ian and Cassiopeia, the twins, tried once. But they got caught really quickly and get to go through the harsh punishment of writing I must never break rules on their hands, using the blood quill. Of course, our grandfather made our house elf, Millie, heal their hands after wards; the Yaxleys, are famous for their looks, including their flawless skin. We mustn't let just a misfit ruin the family reputation. Plus, the usage of blood quills are illegal, we wouldn't want to leave any evidence that might send grandfather right into the dark cells of Azkaban. Grandfather is strict, that's an understatement, and he doesn't love us. Well, to be fair, pureblood families are known to not show affection towards their children. It's thankful that our grandfather doesn't hate us either. Grandfather likes me particularly. Not for any particular reason, just because I'm blonde, like him. Us Yaxleys, we are known for our dark hair and dark eyes. Margarette, Isabella and Ian all had the typical Yaxley look. Margarette told me that father and mother also had dark hair and dark eyes. Grandfather and I are the odd ones out, with our pale blonde hair. However, unlike grandfather, who has the typical Yaxley dark eyes, I have pale, mint green eyes. Isabella had told me it was a gene mutation, though grandfather said my looks was a blessing. 

My grandfather adored my, because my looks, not because he loved me. He said I bring pride into the family with my gorgeous looks. He said the Dark Lord would like me particularly if I looked pretty, if I had a light complexion instead of the usual dark looks of death eaters. He said my looks would bring pride to the Death Eaters. 

And I am proud of that.

I want to make my grandfather proud. Margarette was the Slytherin Prefect last year, and was surely on her way to being made the Head Girl. Cassiopeia and Ian, though mischievous and received countless detentions already, also had really high grades. So if my looks are good enough for the Death Eaters and that makes grandfather proud, then so be it.

I was raised in a pureblood household. I live and breath pureblood supremacy, it's my nature. I've been raised to think that. Even though my grandfather wasn't here to tell me that my siblings did make sure I learn it.

I was never particularly close to my siblings. Ian and Isabella are five years my senior. I'm not close to them at all. They often keep to each other--- which is understandable, considering that they're from the same womb and does everything together.

I was practically raised by Margarette. We weren't close either, though was cared for each other. Margarette's the closest thing I've ever had to a mother, even though she's never showed strong affections for me either. Though I'll treasure all the affection I can get.

I stopped in front of grandfather's study and softly knocked on the door.

"Come in." I slowly opened the ancient, yet polished door.

"Good morning, grandfather. You summoned me?"

Grandfather smiled and patted the seat before his desk. "Come, my Gem." Grandfather liked to call me 'my gem'. He said the name matches my eyes and my beauty. I cautiously perched onto the chair, careful to show my manners.

"My Gem, you know how things are in the ministry?" I nodded. Grandfather is really busy. "I have to go visit a co-worker. And I think it's a good idea if I bring you." I perked up, Grandfather never takes me anywhere! He's always said I need to refrain from getting exposed to the outside world too much. He said the outside world so no place for a Gem like me. 

I'm so proud that Grandfather cares for me this way.

I know grandfather is a busy man and has no time for love and small children.

But I'm so proud.

Grandfather is a great man. He's very accomplished, despite his past. So, naturally, I listened to him.

"I will be taking you to see the Malfoys."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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