Chapter One: Routine

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Carina had always felt this way. This repetitive feeling had been with her as long as she could remember. The sensation of loneliness. Carina was one of the few children left on Fluostno. She didn't know what had happened to the others. She didn't know much except for what she was told. She didn't even know if the reason why she was here was true or not. But even with these many questions filling her head, she never asked a single one. She was scared of being punished.

The girl was abruptly pulled from her thoughts when the white door slid open. In came Doctor Nai. She looked like any ordinary Fluno, greyish skin, sharp sparkling canines, long black hair with a plait down the middle that had a sharp point on the end that could move at will, and the feature Flunos were most known for, neon blue eyes. She wore the same thing she did everyday, a long white coat over a matching dress. Plus some heels that went "click clack" every time she walked.

"Hello C1."

(Oh yeah, when Carina was taken to this place she was only called C1, never her real name.) C1 nodded in acknowledgement as she waited on her bed for the tests to begin. Doctor Nai checked the plait with the spike on it was secure to C1 then put her gloves and mask on and began standard procedure. She checked C1's heart rate, vitals and whatnot before pulling out her datapad to type in the information.

"Everything seems to be in order. I'm going to ask a few questions now. Name?"

C1 didn't hesitate to answer any of them.




"Who am I?"

"Doctor Nai."

"Where are you and how long have you been here?"

"I'm in a medical facility, I have been here my whole life."

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here because something is wrong with me. That is why you do tests, to fix me."

"What is wrong with you?"

"I have strange markings all over my body that give me unnatural abilities."

Doctor Nai added more information to her pad before looking back up at C1.

"Good, we're done for now. Someone will bring you your food and then we will do some physical tests in the training room."

With that Doctor Nai picked up her things and left. C1 looked around her room. It was completely white with no windows and only essential things - a bed and restroom - were there, also plain white.

It wasn't long before her daily meal was slid through a small hole in the door. C1 was given a grey flavourless cube once a day. It contained all the nutrients she would need in a good diet. She munched on it and let her mind wander, Doctor Nai probably wouldn't be back for another thirty minutes so it should be fine.

C1 thought about what it might look like outside. This was the only building she could ever remember being in. From what she had heard, the building was part of a large colony of Fluno that lived inside a dome on Fluostno, their species home planet. Apparently outside the dome was a desert land, the heat burnt you to a crisp and the air was dry so you could barely breathe. It was illegal to leave the dome and those who did weren't seen again. Although these were just stories she had heard when walking past others that worked here, so not necessarily true.

It didn't feel like it had been a long time since Doctor Nai left but she was already back with two Blanks ready to "escort" C1 to the training room.

Blanks were humanoid figures in white faceless armour. They never spoke nor showed emotion. All they did was follow orders without question.

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